I'm about halfway through (I think - I haven't cheated and looked at any game guides yet...) and after playing through the excellent Arkham City 3 times this game is a letdown. I'm starting to wonder why I should go on. The gui is ugly - but that isn't the real issue. My problem is how un-intuitive it is compared to AC. The fighting is tedious, the upgrade system is dumb, the story is stupid and predictable.
The controls are awful, the map is poorly designed - I mean come - what's with the humongous building at the north of the bridge that you CANNOT GRAPPLE THE TOP OF??? Its very awkward and irritating to have to go around the behemoth when you need to get to the other side of it (you don't have fast travel initially, btw). Rocksteady had a much better layout, and the only thing you couldn't grapnel were things that didn't make sense or areas not conducive to the flow or the story. WB screwed up in this aspect its not fun trying to find a grapnel spot - especially WHEN YOU NEED ONE. And unlike Arkham City, you cant get ABOVE the city - best you can do is get slightly above some of the buildings. You are going to keep landing and slamming into buildings / structures as you try to traverse the map, which id irritating and NOT FUN.
I already had (minor) issues with AC about the grapnelling - I would like to be able to run and grapnel without looking up (running and pushing up is kind of difficult) it was a minor irritation in AC but a glaring deficiency in this game. Add to that the snipers that are EVERYWHERE after a certain point and this game becomes FRUSTRATING instead of fun. This game is worse than that - there is hardly anywhere TO grapnel, even when you point the controller in an upward direction.
Maybe I need more upgrades or something, but it seems that it takes considerably longer to fight even common thugs. I have died so many times my character should be called "Deadman". The cheap shots make one dread fights. The enemies that pulls a gun and stands back popping you as you try desperately to get to him with your directionless flipping mechanic; the one tha t hits you in the back in the middle of you attack / blocking - way too often; the unpredictable movement direction as you try to position yourself in combat... badly designed and poorly implemented.
I could go on for days about how badly this game is designed, but suffice it to say that it SUCKS, its a disappointment and a slap in the face of the entire series... and where the heck is Catwoman (give us some variety here)?? Wait - one more thing has to be said - Batman was never mean and rude to Alfred. This Batman is disrespectful and nasty to Alfred - who wrote him like that? He - like the game is out of character and highly unlikable.
@faceless-mask @mac-shild And that doesn't make a difference in what he is saying - no matter what he called he game or his spelling mistakes the game still sucks...
Can someone tell me what happened o the comment i posted??? It should be the newest. The game was really bad - I don't know how people could like it. The enemies were cheap and they were made to cheaply cancel your attempts to get high scores. The fighting flow is lost. There are monsters who can go right through anything you do, or hit you no matter what you try to avoid or stop - making the continuation of combos impossible. The stupid game will have you angel lift to a monster outside boundaries, and then you drop off - instead of letting you come bak to the ground. Its really dumb and unsatisfying. The guns have been nerfed to heck - all they are good for is stalling - you can barely scratch a minster with them. And finally, the monsters - even the slowest moving ones - "pop up" in position to hit you in a cheap spot. Say you run all the way across screen to a monster that is by himself and uppercut him, then start juggling him - EVERY TIME YOU DO THAT one of the other monsters will suddenly be right under you waiting for you to come down so they can hit you. It doesn't matter how slow the monster is - he will just "be there" to hit you as you come down. There is all kinds of cheapness like that in the game - not to mention the platforming sequences, which bring on an irritation of their own - just get ready to repeat some of those platforming segments over and over again - until you absolutely sick of it.
That score is ridiculous and does not reflect the fun factor of the game in the least. It also is old and does not consider all of the new content - much of it addressing the negatives brought up in this article. The game has new areas, Warframes, weapons, Sentinels and other items. It has new mission types, and has been tweaked and upgraded all around. Why is Gamespot so down on a start-up (beta) game anyway? If anything you should be supportive of new game entities - that's what drives the future of gaming. I have been playing Warframe for the last 5 months, and I would fully disagree with anyone who says the game is not good enough for a better review and a much better score (not to mention your scaring off new players). The game is still in Beta - but its better than a lot of the full release garbage you guys have given higher scores to. and lastly - this article is old - you need to refresh it and re-calculate that ridiculous score.
Not enuff 2 convince me - they need to tell me that they will release all titles on physical disc, and / or change their tune on games digitally downloaded TOO. They can avoid this "turnaround" by releasing AAA titles in digital download only, since they haven't changed their policy on that process! Something isn't right, and I don't trust it.
They should have acknowledged this long before E3 - after the initial reveal - this will please a lot of Xboys, and get them a lot of sales - but I still don't trust them - and that DRM is still in the console - all they have to do is enable it...
@soulfulDAGGER @swinehouse I knew Enix merging with Square was going to end up being a big nothing. Just look at how they cancelled Dragon Quest IX for the PS2 (would have been the last game made for the system before the PS3 came out) and put it on the handheld instead. I was hoping for some missing elements when they merged but not much has materialized. Where is the new Secret of Mana? What about new versions of the old classics (new games, not remakes) Chrono Trigger, Secret of Evermore, Romancing Saga, Front Mission, Xenogears, Bahamut Lagoon, Dragon Warrior, Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, EVO, 7th Saga, Paladin's Quest, Terranigma, Mystic Ark, a real Star Ocean, Grandia - where are they? All that potential gone to waste! What's the use of merging if your not going to deliver anything???
@RAD_RADIO @tigertaru @xX_MOBIUS1_Xx I went to the end, but didn't opt for the second finish - I was so thoroughly disgusted that FF XIIIis the only game I don't have in my collection right now - I traded it in for Red Dead Redemption (which was a far better RPG than FFXIII, by a furlong, pardner...
@xX_MOBIUS1_Xx Yeah - that was STAR OCEAN, not Final Fantasy. If I want that kind of combat I can choose a Star Ocean game. This is not Star Ocean, so why should we have to suffer our beloved battle system to be changed up like this?
magusat999's comments