So much of what I see today in christianity breaks my heart. So many see God as a big genie in the sky. As if God's sole purpose for existing is to make sure their hopes and dreams come true. God said something interesting to the nation of Israel in Leviticus 11:45,
45For I am the LORD that bringeth you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: ye shall therefore be holy, for I am holy.
God is stating that He is absolutely unique. There is none like Him in heaven above or in the earth beneath. He is pure with no sin in Him. Since He is that way,and always has been from everlasting, His people should be as well. We are His people. We exist to serve Him and enjoy Him. Man was created to enjoy God. There is no end to Him. We can never come to the end of the knowledge of God. He is infinite. The men in Matthew 13:44-46 sold all they had for Christ. Christ was a treasure that was more valuable than anything this world has to offer. Does your christianity revolve around you? Or do you live to know God? Do you weep when you think of the doctrine of justification by faith? Does God write His word on your heart and burn it into you? Think on these things.
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