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Disgaea 3 confirmed!

Alright! Another Disgaea game is hitting the PS3. I honestly wasn't expecting the PS3 to be getting any JRPGs anytime soon, especially the not so popular series Disgaea, with its failure to keep up with the 360 and Wii in sales.

Looks like Disgaea 3 will be filled with quirky humor its predecssors had. The power ranger looking midget at the podium gives a hint of what there is to expect. It also looks like the graphics didn't have much of a graphical upgrade. :( This game better not cost 60 bucks (I'll probably still buy it at that price). The last 2 Disgaea games didn't even warrant a 50 dollar price. It'll probably be a downloadable game on PSN.

Majadamus's take on E3 07

Well, I've been suspended for the past 7 days for calling someone a liar. I didn't realize how "G rated" this site is. But, it wasn't that bad since I had the E3 conference to keep me busy when browsing the website.'s what I thought about the conference...

Microsoft: Awkwaaard

The show was pretty dull and awkward. Peter Moore made a fool of himself revealing the "new" X Box 360 Halo 3 Special Edition causing an uncomfortable silence in the audience. Not many people are going to buy that. The green snot colored look of the new 360 made the design look even worse. More awkward moments lead on to more with the fat blonde haired woman (I'm not sure if that was a woman) who sung to one of the Rock Band tunes. I clicked the mute button in my media player until the demostration was over with. It was painful. Then came the worst part of the show, the Assasin's Creed gaming display. The game was full of glitches. I felt the embarrasment just watching the player knock enemies into the air as they got stuck in midair. I know the game isn't completely finished, but it looked very unprofessional and shows you're trying to rush it. If I were them, I would've showed another trailer.

The show wasn't an entire waste of time. The Halo 3 trailer looked pretty good, but not really impressive for a 360 game graphic wise. Call of Duty 4 really caught my interest with the stealth mission the developers played through on the screen. Seems like this game isn't going be a complete mindless fragfest. The animations within the game were looking very fluid and life like. The Lost Odyssey trailer was looking good too.

To sum it up, the Microsoft show sucked. Weren't many exclusives to get excited about, and the presentation was just plain bad. Fortunately, it got better from here.

Overall grade: D

Nintendo: Casualfied and Dissapointing

I may not have the Nintendo E3 emblem, but I did tune in on G4. For some reason gamespot wouldn't allow me access.

Being the huge Nintendo fan, I didn't get my hopes up and expect anything much from Nintendo and I was still let down. It was nice to finally hear release dates for Super Mario Galaxy and that Super Button Mash Bros. Brawl would be online. I wasn't shocked to hear that there was a Mario Kart coming out for the Wii, but I was relieved that they didn't leave out online play in this time. Zelda: Phantom Hour Glass was looking great, but I'm pretty sure that game is going to be casualfied. :(

A huge chunk of the show was, "Sales! Sales! Sales! We're winning the console war! We haven't forgotten about the hardcore gamers let's talk about Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy, and Zelda for a few minutes....and look we have Wii Fit!" Wii Fit is going to sale like mad when it's released. It'll definetly beat out MP3 and SMG in sales.

Summing it up, Nintendo's show was a dissapointment.

Overall Grade: C-

Sony: Impressive

I've never been really hyped about a lot of the PS3's exclusives. The main reason I got a PS3 was for Final Fantasy XIII, Metal Gear Solid 4, and the Socom games. Don't remember seeing any new FFXIII or Socom footage, but the MGS4 trailer looked pretty cool. The fight scene between Raiden and Vamp was intense. Seeing Snake in his old age, I'm expecting Kojima to get a lot laughs from players out of Old Snake's expense. As for the other exclusives that were shown, they were impressive. I'm definetly interested in Heavenly Sword. I'm still not into Lair. Someone around here described the dragons as big turds that fly around in the sky, and, quite honestly, described it perfectly.

Being the huge Star Wars fan that I am, it was nice to see Chewbacca make an appearance at the show. Still didn't make me want to buy Star Wars PSP though.

What really surprised me was the Killzone 2 gameplay footage. The characters' faces looked goofy, but the enviornment and surroundings looked great. The sound was loud and noisy. I don't know if that's going to be a good or bad thing. The look was obviously ripped from Gears of War's gothic art****but Killzone 2 was looking better.

Summing it up, Sony stole the show. I was expecting this, but now the PS3 owners are still going to have to wait a long time for the really hyped titles like Killzone 2 and MGS4...

Overall Grade: B

Teh Potential!!!

Looking at the title you're probably thinking to yourself this is another PS3 bash or support blog. No, I'm here to inform the masses about the potential of......







Here are some of the games Atlus is responsible for:



Disgaea is a turn based strategy RPG. Beneath the cute and simple look of the sprites is a deep, time consuming, and highly addictive game. A lot of people who aren't into SJRPGs like Final Fantasy: Tactics should stay away from it. If you're into this type of stuff, you're in for a real treat.


Persona 3:

Not your typical RPG. Playing Persona 2: Eternal Punishment, I can tell you that. The game focuses on demons, gossiping, and building a social life. Persona 2 had great art direction, and Persona 3 obviously does too. Persona 3 seems to be a bit different in terms of gameplay and will stray from the Persona 2 storyline. I'm hoping Persona 3 will provide another unique experience.


Trauma Center: Second Opinion & Under The Knife:



I just recently picked up Trauma Center for the DS and the Wii. And I'm glad I did. Both games are great and are different from any type of game I've played before. The challenging, fun, and uniqe gameplay is something that is needed in this day and age. The interesting characters and storyline will keep you interested in the games as well.

Now, there's something you're probably noticing about all of the games I just listed. The graphics aren't something to boast about. Yes, true. This is why I put emphasis on the word "potential". This company has that to make itself become a powerhouse game developing team. Not that they aren't already, a lot of gamers just don't realize it yet. They have the ideas and creativity to make a bigger name for themselves to compete with big time developers like Square Enix.

My cousin, an average gamer (not too casual, not too hardcore), was turned off by Disgaea because of its graphics. He's a fan of the Final Fantasy series since FFVII, and he sometimes puts in 10 hour gaming sessions when he wants too. What I'm trying to say is, if Atlus gave a major enhanchement in its graphics to attract more gamers like my cousin, they could be giving top gaming devlopers a run for their money. Atlus probably doesn't have a huge budget like Square Enix, but imagine if they did.


Game Developers That Piss Me Off.

I'm not into the gaming industry as much as some of these gamespotters who aspire to get into the field and know a lot about game developers, but there are a few that stand out to me like this guy:

Denis Dyack

He claims that gamers do not want to play lengthy video games. Here's the link:

This delusional game developer seems to think games like World of Warcraft are not what gamers want. Those 8 million subscribers to WoW don't know what makes a good game, huh? They're being sucked into a gaming universe that gives them hours, days, weeks, and sometimes even years of entertainment that will probably save them lots of money because they'll be too busy with WoW and they won't need to buy any other games or movies. Ya, instead we want 60 dollar games like Gears of War that lasts 6-10 hours, or games like Denis Dyack's Too Human trilogy that will milk us. Maybe we are the delusional ones? These gamers who want to get their money's worth are the confused ones: They need to be ripped off! Dyack knows best!

On to a more notable gaming developer that really has upset me. 360 is my least favorite current gen console at the moment and seeing this man:

Hironobu Sakaguchi

...leave Square Enix to develop his own independent studio Mistwalker, I became confused and sadden. This guy pretty much started my favorite RPG franchise, Final Fantasy. He says Square Enix is focusing way too much on Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. It's kind of odd to hear someone discourage something that they created. It's like a mother or a father trying to prevent their son or daughter from being successful.

Granted, there are a lot of Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest games and maybe SE should be focusing on creating newer franchises and easing up on the milking, but SE has been focusing on the Mana series and Kingdom Hearts. Although the latest installment of the Mana series (Dawn of Mana) is an utter fiasco. I don't see much of a problem with Square Enix creating more Final Fantasys as long as they keep adding new features and elements to the gameplay instead of milking the most overrated FF, Final Fantasy VII to death...

It pains me to see this guy leave Square Enix, but what can I do but whine and moan in a blog that gives me a sense of self-importance... I am probably going to get a X Box 360 in the summer once Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon hit the market because of Sakaguchi's treachery. Hopefully Nobou Uematsu and Tetsuya Nomura don't leave Square Enix. That'll be the demise of Square Enix, or maybe it's already beginning, or maybe this could be the start of a fresh new golden era for SE. Only time will tell.

I almost had sex with my Playstation 3. :(

It was a typical night and I went to go take a shower. Got washed up, and I was feeling a little secksay after I got out of the shower. Who doesn't? After I dryed myself off and shaved, I walked into my room and there was my Playstation 3 looking sexy as always. But, this time it was sexier looking than usual for some reason. Maybe because it was night time and I just got done taking a shower..I don't know. I looked at the sleek, shiny, convex black PS3..and I thought to myself, "What if I had sex with it?" I started touching and dusting the PS3 off, and then I thought about that episode in Family Guy where those white trashy people were going to have sex with the VCR. They called it a "Sex Box". Right then and there I thought to myself, "If I have sex with my PS3, I would be demeaning it and turning into a sex box." I knew the PS3 is a lot more than a sex box. It's the most powerful console on the market. And I would be turning it into my own personal sex box.

I'll never again have impure thoughts of my beloved PS3 again.