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majoras_wrath Blog

Some nostalgia

I was looking through my profile when I noticed my "about me".

What a shock that was.

I believe last time I updated it was when I first created this account in 2005, feel free to laugh as you will:

"I am a hardcore Zelda fan. I also am very into music, i play the trumpet and i love most music. My favorite bands are: Red Hot Chili Peppers-teh best band Green Day-forget "American Idiot" i like the old stuff AC/DC-ahh..tthe definition of hard-rock, 7-8 drummers, 3-4 singers, same guitarist OK Go--one of the few poppy bands i like Franz Ferdinand-same as above Incubus-good alt-meta"

Heh. Makes me laugh. My 13 year old self was funny.

A new generation...

So, I have a PS3 at my dads which is practically his and I rarely get to play, so I have taken the leap and bought a PS3.

 Thats not the awesome part though, whats awesome is its a Metal Gear Sold 4 limited edition Kojima bundle. Its a cool gray color with a gray Dualshock 3 and it comes with the game, documentary, and soundtrack! So excited, and maybe now I can get some of you cat's who play PS3 and have a bit of COD4 action :D.



Today I turned 17, which I plan on celebrating by buying Dead Space and seeing an R rated movie. Oh sweet freedom.

I got a kickass stereo system, which I promptly broke in by listening too, in respective order, Ok Computer, Goo, Everything Goes Numb, Era Vulgaris, and the Black Album.

Since its my birthday, I have cake!

Also, some music:

(sorry if they hurt your hearing with feedback.

And some videos!

Does it Offend You, Yeah?

Of Montreal


Hope everyone has a glorious day, for I feel my luck could change ;)

Menos El Oso!!

Well, so I saw one of my favorite indie bands, Minus the Bear last night, and I gotta say, it was one of the better live performances I've seen. They really rocked the house (moshing was fun!) and they were just plain fun to watch. I also have two other bands I plan to check out, thanks to their stellar opening performances. That is, if I can figure out the first bands name. The second one, The Annuals, I must suggest to everyone as a must-hear band, they almost outshined the headliners.

I'll be putting pictures of before (yay you get to see me!), after and during the the gig soon.

I'm going to be gaming quite a bit lately.

...For I just have recieved the first 3 Metal Gear Solid games in the mail. Boxset! Hell yes! I've really gotten into a loved the latest MGS so I really felt like getting into the story. It took about a month to get it though, it was so popular it had to be backordered from the warehouse.

Playing these three games will be around the equivelent of watching a 3 hour film about 10 times. Awesome.

Anyone else played the original series? I've heard good things about them but I'd like to hear my friends opinions :D

EDIT: For greenie and others, the boxset is avalibile at 30 dollars, for three games! Thats ten bucks a game! Go get it NAO!

Forgotten Lolla


I completely forgot to talk about my much anticipated festival. Lollapalooza.

Radiohead was possibly the best concert I've been to and I couldn't even see the stage half the time. I cannot describe what it was like, listening to this etheral, transcendent music, and realizing "Hey! This music was somehow written by living breathing human beings, AND HERE THEY ARE IN FRONT OF ME" It was damn near surreal, after watching hours of concert videos on the computer, it is easy to think they are not real people. But that illusion got shattered quickly when Thom took a moment to ask the audience why we were so quiet, after a particularly moving version of "House of Cards". Even Radiohead thought it was surreal, as Thom stated "Wow, after all that jet-lag, I'm not even sure we are really here. This could easily be a dream"

The songs they played were fantastic as well. All I Need brought many members of the audience to tears (including me? you decide), it was so wrenching and heartfelt. Not only were there beautiful moments, but there were rocking moments of pure adrenaline. As soon as I heard the radio samples, I immediatly screamed THE NATIONAL ANTHEM and BAM! That monster bass-line started up, causing me and my friends to dance like maniacs and scream the words. Absolutley perfect set-list, they played all my favorites, including "Optimistic" which I was estatic about.

Did I mention that they are guitar gods? Jonny Greenwood at one point was 1. Playing guitar 2. Fiddling with the effects pedal to make it sound incredible and 3. Playing piano. You thought the CD version of the solo in Paranoid Android was good? HOLY CRAP! They made it sound so incredibly awesome. They also managed to change around the various electronic pieces and create this interesting collages of sounds, the momets tha stand out are Everything in its Right Place, where Thoms voice was looped (live!) and pitched bent to make him sound like a flock of demonic imps, and The Gloaming, where Thom's lines of "haha Funny How" were repeated at the end of the song after all the other players cut out to create this intense eerie feeling.

I'll talk about Lollapalooza in a later blog, I'd rather stay positive for now.

I'm Hooked :/

...on Final Fantasy XIII.

And to think, I used to scorn Final Fantasy fans as J-Nerds and weeaboos. Now look at me!

This game is just sublime, I cannot describe its eevviill power on me, but whenever I get home from work I just gotta get to that next level!

I may not be at this stage yet

But if I ever do get there, please shoot me ASAP.


The title is meant to be a bit ironic, kinda making fun of how INCREDIBLY EXCITED I AM ABOUT MY RECENTLY PURCHASED LOLLAPALOOZA TICKET.

Oh my god, I cannot wait.

Me+5 Friends+Lollapalooza at Grant Park+Radiohead=Sheer Bliss.

Life is Good

Its offically the best time of year, its summer!

Finals: Woohoo! School is almost over, and now I am at the final gasp of academia. Finals, ho' boy. They really should not be too difficult, but jesus christ, I think I am gonna fail my band final again. One good things is that if I get B's or A's my mom will buy me tickets to Lollapalooza :D. another good thing is that I will get a discount on car insurance
which leads me to the next awesome thing

Driving!: Yes, what everyone anticipates feverishly, the obtainment of a license :P. I just got mine yesterday, and now I feel like I have such freedom to do what I will. Not that I can, but it is just an awesome feeling getting one more step of independece away from yor parents. The only downside is my license-less friends expect me to chauffeur them around. Then again, driving with your friends is one of the more enjoyable things in the world.

Oh wait, I though of another downside, gas prices :(

Music: I never, ever stop finding new music.

Heres some of my recent favorites

Of Montreal-Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer?: This was easily the most difficult disc to get into in a while, but god, was it worth it. The band best known for that Outback jingle has came up with probably their darkest album, filled with mediatations on drugs, suicide, and sex. If this sounds off-putting, it shouldn't. All of these songs are the most insanely catchy dance tracks you'll ever hear, with the possible exeception of one. This album is a bit of a concept album, it deals with the lead singers transformation from a depressed lonely artist, to that of his freewheeling glam rock alter-ego. All of the songs have a weird electronic counter-part to it, its almost impossible to describe, you just have to hear it.

The Smiths-Meat is Murder: Alright, so I am late to the party, I get it. I have not been able to quite listen to the whole thing yet, but what I've heard has been awesome. Now I can really see where the whole indie/emo scene came out of.