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majoras_wrath Blog


Anyone remember Big Rigs?

Neither did I.

Apparently though, there is an entire (religion? cult? inside joke?) Wiki devoted to how "WINNER!" the game is.

Why is this odd? Maybe you should read the review.

It is all very trippy and odd, my mouth hung open for several minutes after reading the main article.

PS. My next blog installment will be coming soon, for all and any that care.

Huge April Blog update: Numbah 1.

Its been quite the long time since I've posted a real blog, soo... time for you to pretend to care about my life! :P

CDs: My what a busy month it has been for music with me, I've made several purchases that I have absolutley not regretted

"Loveless" My Bloody Valentine-Easily the best CD I've bought since OK Computer, its a sonic trip-fest by a band that sound not be forgotten. These shoe-gazer pioneers probably influenced a lot of your favorite bands. As for the CD, its absolutely intense. There are no discernable lyrics, just waves of heavily layered and dubbed guitar and amp howl. Its brillant. (it also nearly bankrupted their label)
Favourite songs: Only Shallow, Soon

"Planet of Ice" by Minus the Bear-Thank you so much, Bauers-Twin , for mentioning this fantastic band. Imagine throwing an emo band, a progressive rock band, an experimental punk band, and an indie band into a pot. Then cook them up with a bit of glossy production, and Voila! You get Minus the Bear. Its a record that always keeps me on my toes, just when I think it will be your average emo-pop song about love-lost, they throw in some crazy prog-solo. A solid buy.
Favourite Songs: Burying Luck, Knights

"Daydream Nation" by Sonic Youth-Wowie, this was a toughie to get into. If anyone has seen the movie "Juno" you will remember the lead character being introduced to this band by the slightly creepy man adopting her baby. Later, after a fight with him, she declares it as "just noise". This certainly holds true for this record in more then one way. Oddly tuned guitars, strange sound effects, and punk riffs all make up this album. Some parts are melodic enough, but others are so purposely atonal it can be ear-death at high volumes. What makes this album amazing however, is the vivid soundscapes they are able to produce. From the first song, "Teenage Riot" you get a instant mental image of your childhood years, both through the guitars and the vocals. Any song that can do that has to be powerful. All in all, a fantastically dense album that demands your attention.
Favourite Songs: Teenage Riot, Eric's Trip
Expect to see further blogs posted later this week, i don't want to overwhelm anyone with blocks of text.

Hope all of you are doing fine!


Indie Rawk and other tidbits

Seems like its been a while since I've made a blog, so i decided to post a tiny update


Talk about stressful. Final exams were absolute hell and somehow I managed to fail my Band final, of all things. I did get a decent grade in my two worst subjects though, so that was good


I've been listening to music a lot lately, namely lots of Indie Rock. Honestly, I've always considered a lot of Indie artists to be pretentious and too arty for me, but I've been pleasantly surprised thus far. In particular, I've been very impressed by Arcade Fire, The Shins, and Minus Bear. The Foo Fighters concert is coming up the 25th, so I am pretty excited about it

Yes I am still obsessed with Radiohead, that has not died down in the least :D


I haven't been able to play many good games recently, my PS3 is at my dads house and I haven't played Oblivion or Call of Duty 4 in months seeing as I haven't seen him in that long. All I've had to play at my moms is a bunch of PS2 games I've already beaten or a Wii which I can physically not play. That, and Just Cause, which is a game I am already tired of playing


Not going to go to far in depth here, but its all been going good. I still don't have a girlfriend somewhat unfortunately, but I am going to the Turnabout dance with my best friend, so all is good. Probably the best part is that one of my best friends who moved to India at the beginning of the year, is coming back 3 years earlier then expected! This was such a fantastic bit of news I started dancing for joy, and mind you, I can't dance.:D

Merry Christmas!!! (from a jew)

I hope everyone has been enjoying their time off with family, and may you all have a fantastic New Year

In other news, for Christmas I recieved concert tickets from my awesome uncle to see the Foo Fighters!

I am incredibly excited, despite the fact I have not listen to the 'Foo as much as other bands, who isn't thrilled about a live performance.
This is doubly cool because my uncle went with me to the Red Hot Chili Peppers concert last year (around the same time) and I literally had the time of my life. Best concert ever.

I have hopes that this concert will at least be better then the Plain White T's concert I went too (never fear, the tickets were free with admission to a theme park).

At that concert I had a horrible fever, not to mention a horrible band, and my friends dad had to drive me home with me lolling in the backseat half-concious:?

New Banner and Avatar

I felt like I needed a change, so i decided to try my hand at paint, doing basic editing.

My banner i found on a random art website, which I made to fit the space.

My avatar is a really cool drawing made in Photoshop of one of my idols. (can anyone guess who?)

I felt it gave my profile a needed just felt very bland.

EDIT: For all that didn't know, my new avatar is of my hero, Thom Yorke of Radiohead.

Darn Radiohead fans...

...You love the same band as I do, so you've crashed the site to download it i cannot capture the aural goodness that is every Radiohead album.

God, if i have to wait till tommorow i will not be happy...

Complete List of GHIII last

This is it

The complete list of Guitar tracks

Consider me excited

My Favorites:

"Sabotage" Beastie Boys


"Bulls on Parade" Rage Against The Machine


"Helicopter" Bloc Party

"La Grange" ZZ Top

So many certified classics, and with extra tracks promised to be downloadable :drool:

An absolutly amazing doubt

Well, the Red Hot Chili Peppers concert has come and past, and i must say, it was the best thing i have EVER been too. Those guys are simply amazing musically and performance-wise. I still haven't recovered my voice from screaming along to the music.

If you have never listened to them, pick up BloodSexSugarMagick, it is a classic, must have CD
