the hardest thing to do in Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max using the D-Pad even the raised version. Is the dragon punch using the Strong Punch button (L) but it seems alot easier using any other punch button its just its positioning... also taken into account the fact that the motion required in my oppinion is hard to begin with on the d pad because i'm used to playing street fighter games on a snes controller where you have part of the d pad covering the area's between each button so that you can actually press \ without pressing - and | at the same time.
That said inever had any problems playing tekken but i feel i have to force the diagnals a little bit more on SFA3.
Maybe its just somethingi have to get used to through getting the diagnals gotten used to first for jumping, without havign to wory about dragon punch by playing someone like guile or blanka to be honest this is my first SFA game before this i'd only played up to SSF2T so i dont know alot of these other characters.
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