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mangafreak15 Blog

Wanted: More Free Time!

Hi, everyone! Sorry I haven't been on here...:? I've been über busy lately with school, family, and stuff. I'll probably be gone for the rest of this week as well, if not longer. I'll be back, though! :)

I'm slowly getting better at bowling. Being on the team is really fun, but it's time-consuming. There's a match after school today...I hope our team does well! :)

In other news, I just found out I have depression. :( For those who don't know, it's an illness that makes you feel sad a lot and lose interest in things (to sum it up). I try to be cheerful despite this, though. :) I always try to keep a happy tone in my blogs, at least. ^_^

Well, see ya later! I promise I'll come back on when I have more free time! :D

Pic (from one of my fave animes of all time, G Gundam):

Quote: "I will never be a memory." --Sephiroth (from Final Fantasy: Advent Children)

Random Fact: The average person has about 1,460 dreams a year. (If that's the case, I definitely don't remember most of them. :P)

Zzzz...Just A Little Bit Longer...

I ignored my alarm clock this morning,continued sleeping,and went to school an hour late. Man, that extra bit of sleep sure felt good. :) It was nice and refreshing, even though missing school isn't exactly a good thing. ^_^;

I bought eleven new manga books! Whoo! :D Now I've got about 140 in my collection...:o Dang, that's a lot. Also, I bought Final Fantasy X. Such a fun game! RPGs are the best. :)

But I've got to stop buying stuff for myself! Time to save up for Christmas shopping. I've got lots of friends and family to buy gifts for. :) I'm even gonna draw a Christmas card for all my friends here on :) (I'll put that up in a future blog near Christmas time. I haven't started drawing it yet...)

Pic (from Shinzo, a fun little anime):

Quote: "Yesterday, Kyo-kun picked up Tohru-kun! Kyo-kun is a sex fiend!" --Shigure (from Fruits Basket)

Random Fact: From Pokémon, Ekans is 'snake' spelled backwards. Its evolved form, Arbok, is 'cobra' spelled backwards. (But you change the 'c' to a 'k'.)

AHHH!!!!! SEPHIROTH!!! *cries*

So there I was--in my room playing Kingdom Hearts. I was battling all-out against the hardest boss in the entire game, Sephiroth. I had him down to his last life bar...his health was slipping...just a few more seconds and I'd win...O_O;; I was concentrating really hard, focusing completely on the screen, one single goal in my mind...WHAM! :shock: My bedroom door swung open. I looked up to see who had the nerve to invade my room at this crucial moment--it was my dad. I looked back to the tv screen and saw the GAME OVER picture, meaning I'D LOST AGAINST SEPHIROTH. AGAIN. :cry:

My dad had ruined everything. I looked up to him, wondering what could possibly have been so important as to wreck my battle against Sephiroth, and you know what he said? He said, "Oh, hey. How do you spell 'pretty'?":evil: :o *twitch* *twitch*

This actually happened to me a while ago. It still frustrates me when I think about it, though... It took me about five more tries to beat Sephiroth after that. Gah!! X( Anyway, for school I had to give a speech on something that makes me mad, and that's part of the speech I gave. I got an A on it, 'cause apparently I'm really good at talking in front of an audience. :)

Pic (from the manga Negima! Magister Magi):

Quote: "Soiled it! Soiled it! Soiled it!" --Spongebob Squarepants

Random Fact: President Bush is sending a turkey to Disney World in a first c.lass plane. This turkey will be the grand marshal of "Disney's Thanskgiving Day Parade." It is an American tradition to give "pardons" to turkeys on Thanksgiving... (For more information, click here.) Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! :D

Bowling! Knock Down Those Pins!

Hiya, everyone! Sorry I haven't been on here too much...I've been really busy lately, plus my computer's still broken, so I haven't had many opportunities to get online. :( I've been trying to keep up on friends' blogs, but if I've missed some, I'm sorry. -_-;

I joined the bowling team at our school. I'm not the best--okay, I really suck--but I'm gradually improving at the game. And it's a lot of fun! :D I've got lots of friends on the bowling team, so it's great to hang out with them.

I'm going to the movies this weekend! I'm gonna see 30 Days of Night. I haven't seen a good horror movie in a while, so I'm looking forward to it. Have any of you seen it? :)

Pic (from the Disney movie Fantasia):

Quote: "Got it memorized?" --Axel (from Kingdom Hearts II)

Random Fact: In the movie Psycho, the stabbing sound was achieved by jabbing a knife into a melon.

Stupid Computer!! Stupid solo!!! *throws them out the window*

My computer is now utterly useless. For over a month, I haven't been able to use it to get online, open up Paint or Microsoft Word, watch videos, or save to a floppy disk. Now it won't even turn on! :o :evil: I'm on my last strand of patience with the stupid thing... (And in case anyone's wondering, I've managed to get on here still through the school's computer or my mom's computer only. It sucks! -_-)

Not to complain even more, band, I've got a solo. I hate solos! :( I always get too nervous and screw them up horribly. Gah!! I don't know what to do. I don't want to play the darn solo at all...:cry:

Pic (from Death Note, an awesome show talonmalon333 got me into recently :)):

Quote: "Don't tell me he wants to conquer the world? Can't he come up with something more original?" --Lina Inverse, from the show Slayers

Random Fact: In Washington (USA), it's illegal to pretend one's parents are rich.

Harry Potter Movie! Yay!

I made it to level 18 (on a couple days ago! And I'm already over halfway to level 19. :P Hooray! Plus, with some help from Angus_Mac, I am now the editor for the show Pretear! :D So I have two shiny, new emblems to show off:

Also, yesterday I finally reached 3,000 forum posts. Whoot! :P (Lots of leveling up and stuff has been happening for me lately...heh! :D)

Anyway, over the weekend, one of my best friends took me to see the fifth Harry Potter movie. It's the second time I've seen it, and I must say, watching it again made it even better for some reason. So, for any HP fans out there--what's your favorite book/movie? My faves are the third book and the first movie. :)

(P.S. You like my new banner? I finally stopped procrastinating and made one for myself. The pic on it changes every five seconds 'cause I had too many favorites to fit everything in one banner. :P)

Picture (from my fave video game, Kingdom Hearts):

Quote: "He who says nothing and knows nothing is better than someone who says something but knows nothing." --firefox59

Random Fact: Kappa are Japanese river monsters said to drag people into water and then pull out their intestines through their anuses. o_O (That's scary! :o)

My B-day!! XD

Happy birthday to me!!
To celebrate being alive 17 years, I'm going to the movie theater today with some friends. We're gonna see The Seeker, which seems like a fun little fantasy movie. I've recieved some presents, too--I've gotten a fairy sketchbook, $10, a bunch of cards, and a roll of scotch tape. Yay! :)

And this Saturday, I'm taking the ACT. It's a test that will help me get into college (if I score well on it). Wish me luck! I think I'll do okay on the English section, but I'm kinda worried about the math section...

Picture: (It's a random girl I drew in study hall today. Ignore the doodles and stuff around her; I was bored...)

Quote: "So tell me, what's it like living in a constant haze of stupidity?" --Hiei (from Yu Yu Hakusho)

Random Fact: Disneyland opened in 1955.

Song Stuck in My Head! And Halloween Stuff...

I normally don't like rap music much. (My policy is "Music is like candy. You throw out the 'rappers'." :P) But I've fallen in love with a song by Bone Thugs-N-Harmony. I can't get it out of my head!! Here's a link to an amv with the song on it, if you'd like to hear it: Wanna Ride

I'll be 17 soon (my birthday is Monday :D), but I'm still not too old for Halloween! :D :D (I don't think I'll ever be...^_^; ) I'm going as a Japanese Geisha. Anyone else going trick-or-treating this year? If so, what's your costume? :)

Yayz!! I made it to level 17 finally (on, not gamespot)!!! :D My goal is to get to level 20 eventually...I hope I can make it! But it gets so hard to level up after a while...I really admire people who are levels 30 and higher--that's amazing! =]

Pic ( of the 4th Hokage, Minato Namikaze...he's so cool! XD ):

Quote: "How dare YOU admonish ME, vermin?!" --Ranaef, from the manga Demon Diary

Random Fact: Nike is the goddess of victory in Greek mythology. (That's where the name from the famous shoe brand comes from. :P)

Interesting Going-Away Party

One of my mom's friends, named TJ, is being shipped to Japan soon. (He's doing it for the Marines.) I never really got too close to him, but I'll still miss him. He won't come back home for a whole year...

His going-away party was last Saturday. I wasn't there, which I'm kinda glad about because at the party, he got really drunk and hit himself over the head with a beer bottle. He had to get eight stitches!! (Some going-away party that turned out to be...^_^; )

Anyway, what's new with everyone? I'm in school right now facing the torments of the education system. Honestly, if this school day gets any more boring, I'm gonna fall asleep... The only interesting thing that's happened all day is seeing my German teacher in a monkey mask. (Don't ask. ) And I've got mountains of homework to do tonight...gah. =[

Pic (I drew it, which is why it's so sucky. :P It's from Beet the Vandel Buster. It looks blurry because my scanner sucks...):

Quote: "Women don't want to hear what you think. They want to hear what they think--in a deeper voice." -Bill Cosby

Random Fact: "Underground" is the only English word that begins and ends with the letters U, N, and D.

I dyed my hair!! =D

I dyed my hair red! My natural hair color is kinda blond/light brown/redish, so this is an interesting change for me. And I think it looks good. :D It'll last for about two weeks. Have any of you dyed your hair before?

I dyed my hair black last year, but the dye I used was cheap, so it looked more purple...:P Hahaha, I still liked it, though. And I've had light blonde, silver,and red highlights in my hair before, too. When I'm bored, I guess I just like to experiment with coloring my hair. :P Maybe I should try blue next? I dunno...what do you suggest? :)

This is changing the topic a little, but...I made a video on youtube a while ago. It's a parody of the game Kingdom Hearts I did when I was bored. If you have time to watch it and rate or comment it, I'd really appreciate it. :) Link: You Know You Suck at KH When...

Pic (from a manga I've started reading called Dragon Drive):

Quote: "When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car."

Random Fact: According to the animators, there are 6,469,952 spots in the Disney movie 101 Dalmations. Now that's a lot of spots!! :P