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mangafreak15 Blog

Birthday Overload (Oh, and Merry Christmas!)

Sorry I haven't been able to comment a lot of your blogs. I've been preoccupied with Christmas preparations, buying presents and visiting family. Also, December seems to be the "birthday month" for my friends. Last weekend, I got to ride in a limo and watch a live hockey game for one birthday party. The weekend before that, I was at my sister's shopping b-day party. And a week before that, I was at a rollar skating party for one friend's b-day, and a DDR sleepover for another. :o :lol: Too many birthdays!! -lol-

Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys the holiday. For those of you who celebrate, have a Merry Christmas! :) What are you all doing for the season? Anything special?

(P.S. I found out the title of the last Harry Potter book by going to J.K. Rowling's web site! Whoot! :D It will be called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Sounds spooky! =])

Pic (my Christmas card to all of you :P):

^  Sorry the pic's so sloppy. I was kinda rushing when I was drawing it...-_-;  ^

Quote: "Let me get this straight...I'm supposed to pay money for a dead tree, not get freaked out by a fat guy in a red suit, and eat candy out of my socks?" ~Co-Edikit 2007 Calendar

Random Fact: Downy Woodpeckers have tiny hooks on their tongues which allow them to catch insects living under the bark of a tree.

Cats and Water Don't Mix.

Two days ago, my family decided to call it bath day for our house cat, Milkshake. So we got the kitchen sink ready for her. Needless to say, she was not a happy camper. It took two people to hold her down, and we had to put towels all over the place to keep her from creating a catastrope out of our kitchen. My dad said that he could hear her angry meows from outside. :P

But now she's soft and fluffy, at least... =3 So...anyone else have a fun pet story they'd like to share?¿? :D


Quote: "Break the chains of imagination." ~Meatloaf

Random Fact: Almonds are members of the peach family.


Me and a couple of friends made a video project for German class. Basically, here's the story: a little kid ate die Kekse--the cookies--left out for Sankt Nikolaus, so he went ballistic and decided to seek revenge on whoever took them. :D We made it funny, and we took a while to do it, so I hope my German teacher likes it...

Thus, the title: "I WANT MY COOKIES!! Now!" :P

In other news, I'm going Christmas shopping tomorrow. I hope I have enough money to buy presents for all of my friends and family. =]

Pic That I Drew on Paint from Danny Phantom:

Quote: "It's not MY fault that I never learned to accept responsibility!"

Random Fact: Goldfish have a memory span of three seconds.

The Deflating Snowman and Other News

Hm...I finally got off my lazy butt and made some submissions on, so I got another badge. And the subs. were all accepted. Yay. :)

Anyway, I learned something valuable this weekend--don't play DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) for six hours straight. Your legs will cramp up, and you will get "Speed Over Beethoven" stuck in your head. :P

Worse than that, I had to go roller skating the next day. Since my feet were sore, I was off-balance. As a result, I ran into this giant inflatable snowman in the middle of the skating rink, and the thing's head started deflating. :oops: It was embarrassingly funny. =P

~//~ Pics (from MÄR: Märchen Awakens Romance):

~//~ Quote: "Politicians and diapers both need to be changed, and for the same reason."

~//~ Random Fact: The English word pint has no rhyme, just like orange. Go ahead, I dare you to try to think of a rhyming word for it. :P

Birthday Card I Drew

I'm sorry I haven't been on lately...I won't be on all weekend, either, because I am attending two friends' birthday parties. I drew a card for their birthdays, like it (even though I'm not very good at drawing manga-type stuff...:?)?

B-day Card

That'll count as my pic for this here's the other stuff. :D

Quote: "I've told you 40,000 times--stop exaggerating!!"

Random fact: If you have a dog that lives to be 11 years old (in human years), you'll have spent approximately $13,000 dollars on it! Wow! :o

(P.S. Today was a snow day--no school!! ^_^ Whoot-whoot!!)


My computer is so irritating. The wireless connection that gives me internet is weak, so I get logged offline every five to ten minutes usually, and then it takes ten-ish minutes to get back online. It's been like this for a while, so I'm kinda used to it...but it's still annoying. Today it wouldn't let me back on for an hour. :( I am sooooo asking for a new wireless connection for Christmas. :P

Anyone else ever have big computer issues?

})!({ Pic (from Avatar: The Last Airbender):

})!({ Quote: "I almost had a psychic boyfriend, but he left me before we met."

})!({ Random Fact: "Karaoke" is Japanese for "empty orchestra."

Our School Caught On Fire Today...

Apparently, someone caught a stove on fire in the Home Ec room at school. It was during the end of the school day, so we didn't get to leave early or anything...( Bummer! :lol: ) But we did have to evacuate, and it was really smokey.

I'll probably find out more about it tomorrow. I'm pretty sure everything will be fine, though. It didn't seem too extremely serious. (Darn, and I was really hoping I could use the exuse, "The fire ate my homework!" :P Oh, well...)

(P.S. I wrote a new Danny Phantom fanfic: Living the Psychic Life)

-:¦:- Some Small Pics:


-:¦:- Quote: "The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese."

-:¦:- Random Fact: The Lord's Prayer is 66 words. The Gettysburg Address is 286 words. There are 1,322 words in the Declaration of Independence. But government regulations on the sale of cabbage total 26,911 words. ~Growth of Federal Regulations article

Me + Cooking = Big Mess

I attempted to cook yesterday, which is a huge *gasp* for anyone who knows me. I can't even make Instant Mac 'n Cheese without messing up somehow. Even stuff that only needs microwaved is sure to either explode, be burned, or somehow be utterly destroyed when it comes in contact with me. :lol: The only thing that I can successfully cook is Ramen Noodle Soup. ^^;

Anyway, I tried my skills at making pancakes. Honestly, it was better than I thought it would be. They were oddly-shaped, but they actually were edible, and that's a huge accomplishment for me. :P

Well, okay...I'll admit that there were some burned ones, but I gave those to my sister, so it's okay. :lol:

(P.S. Like my banner's new look? _Dark_Paladin put my name on it for me. :D)

A Few Pics:

Quote: "What happens when you get scared half to death twice?"

Random Fact: As of November 27th, there were 362,720 more days until the year 3000. :P

Thanksgiving's a Curse--a Curse, I Tell Ya!! =P

I don’t actually believe in curses; that’s just what I call this holiday. Why? Because every year, someone in my family gets hurt or sick in some way on the day of Thanksgiving. One year, my dad got a kidney stone. Another, I got the chicken pox. My mom, sister, and stepbrother have all gotten sick a couple of years, and I’ve gotten a bad splinter in my foot that turned out to actually be a pebble. (Ouch!) Coincidence? I think not. :lol:

Still, I guess it could be worse. And nothing too dire has happened yet this year. (I reiterate—nothing yet.) So I suppose I’m off to visit relatives and eat everything I can stuff into my stomach. :P What are all of you gonna do to celebrate Turkey Day?



Quote: “Is your brain directly wired to perversion?!” ~Yuki from Fruits Basket

Random Thanksgiving Fact:
Turkeys gobble. Hens (female turkeys) cluck.

.:Ten Random Things:.

I noticed that quite a few other people were doing stuff like this in their blogs, so I decided to copy the idea. So, without further ado, here's ten random facts about me. :)

1. I take an hour-long walk nearly everyday. I've been doing this since first grade. It's my "inspiration", I guess.

2. I have been tap dancing for eleven years now. It's just a side hobby, though...nothing major to me.

3. My favorite foods are ice cream and broccoli. :D Yum!

4. In my spare time, I'm always drawing or writing comics. This often gets me in trouble as I tend to make random doodles of evil teachers on the back of my tests and notes. :P

5. My lifelong dream is to become an author. I love to write.

6. My favorite song is Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, but I'll listen to almost anything in nearly any genre.

7. I am actually not much of a movie or tv person, yet I find myself on a lot. Ho hum.

8. I have some odd nicknames. Here are some of them: Bob the Slushie, Amanda Michelle Nichole Simpson Ling-Lang the Orangutan (Yes, that whole thing is one nickname), Fork the Dork, and, of course, Manga Freak.

9. I am a band geek. I play the clarinet and baritone, but I can also kinda play the trumpet.

10. My favorite colors are blue-purple, green, and (even though it's scientifically not a color) black.

Pic (from Full-Metal Alchemist!):

Quote: "Once lucky, twice confident, thrice dead."

Random Fact: American President Ulysses S. Grant changed his name because he was embarrassed by his initials, H.U.G. His original first name was Hiram. :P