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mangafreak15 Blog

Get a Job?

I finally cleaned my room. It took a looong time. And I hated every minute of it. :P But at least it's done now, right? Still, it doesn't look like my room anymore. I walk in and I don't recognize it. It's a weird sensation, but that probably won't last long since it'll be messy again in about a week. :lol:

Anyway, I might be getting my first job at our local grocery store, Giant Eagle. I'm not really looking forward to it, but I need the money for manga and games (Playstation 3, maybe) and stuff. I hope I get hired! I'm almost 17 and I get decent grades, so I think I'd make a good employee...

Speaking of which, do any of you have jobs? I know some of you are too young, so I'll also ask: what kind of careers are you interested in? As for me, I want to be an author or graphic designer. :)

Picture (The new season of Avatar: The Last Airbender is finally out!! :D):

Quote: "About a month ago, I got a cactus. About a week later, it died. I got really depressed because it was like, damn, I am less nurturing than a desert." --Demetri Martin

Random fact: Bulls are color-blind, so the myth of them hating the color red obviously doesn't hold true. :P

Clean? My Room? *groans*

I'm in school right now, and I'm really bored. I wanna go home and play Fire Emblem (my latest video game fetish). But I have to clean my room as soon as I get home, which will take days...maybe even a week... -_-

I might as well take a bulldozer into my bedroom and clean it with that. At least then I'd be able to see my carpet.

What can I say? I have a terminally messy room. As long as I know where everything is, though, I see no point in cleaning it. But parents, unfortunately, have other ideas. Darn it.

How about you guys? Are your rooms neat and orderly or...well, a disasterpiece? :P

Pic (Ephraim and Eirika from Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones):

Quote: "If carrots are so good for your eyesight, how come I see so many dead rabbits on the highways?" --Richard Jeni

Random Fact:You know the popular doll known as Barbie? Her last name is "Roberts."

Busy, Busy, Busy...

I'm very busy this weekend, so I doubt I'll be able to get online at all (sorry :()...

First off, I'm going to a book sale at our library tomorrow (Friday). That makes me feel accomplished, 'cause I haven't read anything in a loooooong time (except for manga books :P). Well, okay, I did read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows and Eclipse (a vampire romance and a guilty pleasure to read). Other than that, though, I haven't so much as touched a book all summer.

Also on Friday, I have a football game to go to for marching band. I'm sick (lots of sneezing and coughing), so I'm not looking forward to it. But hanging out with my band geek friends will be fun. :D

On Saturday, I have another band event to go to--a parade. Hopefully the weather will be nice, otherwise it's going be hard to march.

To top it off, my grandma's coming over for the weekend, so I have to spend lotsa quality time with her. And study for four tests. And do my regular homework. -_-' And clean my room or risk getting my PS2 confiscated. GAH! :cry:

But enough complaining. I'm sure my weekend's not half as busy as some of yours' will be. On that note, what will you guys be doing over the weekend? :)

Pic (from The Nightmare Before Christmas):

Quote: "I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, 'Where's the self-help section?' She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose." --Brian Kiley

Random Fact: Ma is as selfless as I am is spelled the same forwards as it is backwards.

My Pet Raccoons

A while ago, my family rescued two baby raccoons that were just a week old, starving, and abanoned. The first few weeks we had them, they cried and screamed. A lot. (Just like human babies. :P) We had to give them cat milk from a bottle, and we even had to help them go to the bathroom. Talk about defenseless!

Now they're about five months old, and they are little menaces! :lol: They know how to open cupboards and climb onto counters. They love playing with ice cubes, toys that make noise, and bouncy balls. We were originally going to set them back into the wild, but they've become very attached to us. So we got them their shots, and soon we'll be getting them permits and then we'll get them fixed. =]

Their names are Rocky (boy) and Rascal (girl). I love them to death, even though they are quite the handful!

Pics (They're a little bigger than this now. The picture on the right is of Rascal. And yeah, I can tell them apart. :P):

Quote: "If anything's possible, then is it possible that nothing's possible?"

Random Fact: The dot above the letter 'i' is called a tittle.

I am so SORRY!!!

Well, I'm back. Finally. My reason for leaving the site for so long unannounced: summer vacation. I dunno. I guess I just haven't had any time to get on the computer. But I miss, and if you all can forgive me, here I am--back again. :? :oops:

To catch up on things...I am now obsessed with the video game Kingdom Hearts, I have a renewed dislike for school (just started back up a few days ago), and I LOVED the last Harry Potter book. Oh, and I've gotten more into the animes Bleach and Naruto. But enough for now--I'll write more later. =]

(P.S. Oh, and I have 104 messages to read...yikes!! :shock: Lots of catching up to do!)

So I figure it's appropriate for the picture of this blog to be Ritsu (from Fruits Basket), because like me, he likes apologizing to the world. :P -lol-

Quote: "I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants." --A. Whitney Brown

Random Fact: In Fantasia, the sorcerer in "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" is named Yen Sid, which is Disney spelled backwards.

I Think I'm Going Bananas...Literally.

My mom and I got in a fight today. And before you ask--no, it was nothing was a food fight. :P You see, there I was--innocently gnawing on a banana. And then my mother attacked. She came up behind me and scared the crap outta me, making part of the banana fling from my hand and fall to the floor. To get revenge, I took the other half that was left and mashed it in her arm. :lol: Then she took it and smeared it in my face.

In the end, we were both exhausted from laughing, smelling strongly like fruit, and extremely sticky. But what can I say? It was so much fun! :D

~Pic (a "Powerpuff Yugi" pic I doodled a while's all crinkly :P):

~Quote: "Why are you worrying about You-Know-Who? You should be worrying about U-No-Poo--the constipation sensation that's gripping the nation!" ~a favorite quote from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

~Random Fact: White ash is the most common wood for a baseball bat to be made out of.

R.I.P. Squeaky Mouse

I've been very busy lately, too busy to get on or gamespot much. Mostly due to school-related stuff. Sorry. :?

Anyway...a squeaking pink mouse toy that my cat, Milkshake, got for Christmas is now "dead." Two days ago when my sister was tossing it around, she threw it a little too hard and broke something inside it. After that, it wouldn't stop squeaking. It drove everyone nuts!! X(

We had to put it under five layers of blankets to muffle the noise it was making. No matter what we did, we couldn't get it to shut up. Now, after two days, the battery has finally run dry (we hope). But no one's dared to touch it for fear that it'll start squeaking nonstop again. :lol:

Pics (from From Far Away, an adorable romance/action manga):


Quote: "A good essay is 10% inspiration, 15% perspiration, and 75% desperation." 

Random Fact: The human neck has the same number of neck bones as the giraffe (even though a giraffe's neck is 8 times longer).

Tongue Twisters

If these don't leave you tongue-tied and confused, I don't know what will. :P Try saying them out loud; it makes them more fun. Good luck!
Said a boy to his teacher one day, "Wright hasn't written 'right' right, I say." Said the teacher with great pride and a twinkle in her eye, "Right! Wright, write 'right' right, right away!"
Literally literary (Say this three times fast.)
A canner exceedingly canny
One morning remarked to his granny,
"A canner can can anything that he can,
But a canner can't can a can, can he?"

Ape cakes, grape cake (Say this three times fast.)
I saw Esau kissing Kate.
Fact is, we all three saw.
I saw Esau, he saw me,
And she saw I saw Esau.

When a doctor gets sick and another doctor doctors him, does the doctor doing the doctoring have to doctor the way the doctor being doctored wants to be doctored, or does the doctor doing the doctoring of the doctor doctor the doctor as he wants to do the doctoring?
I have a ton of these things. I love 'em! ^_^ What do you think of them? Stupid? Funny? Weird? -lol-
Pic (from DNAngel):
Quote: "I hope that when I die, I will go peacefully in my sleep just like my grandpa and not like the screaming passengers in his car."
Random Fact: If a statue in a park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle; if the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle; if the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes. (Many thanks to Smithguy1234 for this random fact! :))

My Evil Science Teacher

My dang science teacher had to be mean and assign a project over winter break... Pah, how irritating! Unfortunately, it's worth a ton of points that pretty much determine what my grade for that class will be, so I can't get out of doing it. Yuck. -_-''

To make matters worse, the project for that class involves experiments that could potentially help out human cloning research, which is something I am against. I think cloning is a bad idea (though my reasons would take a long time to explain, so I won't go there), but I have to join in on the project for the sake of my science grade. How unfair is that? Grr...:(

On a brighter note, the 7 new manga books I ordered finally came in. :D It was hard to tear my eyes from my new PS2, but I managed to do it long enough to read them. :P

(P.S. Me and DPhpFOPobsessed just updated a Danny Phantom story of ours: The Future Isn't What it Used to Be. Check it out if you like. ^_^)

 ~o0o~ Pics (from Elemental Gelade, one schweet manga/anime!):


~o0o~ Quote: "The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes." ~from Kingdom Hearts--my newest, greatest obsession :P

~o0o~ Random Fact: It would take about 9.5 years to read all of a person's DNA information. (And that's without stopping!)

PS2!!! PS2!!!! *dances around with glee*

How did your Christmas go? I thought mine was going to be mediocre present-wise since I didn't have much money to buy people presents. My parents kinda had a tight budget this year, too, so I didn't expect any huge surprises--but...boy, was I wrong!!! :D :D :D

Not only did everyone like the presents I got them, but also...even though I didn't get very many presents this year (hey, it's quantity, not quality)...I got a Playstation 2!!!!!!! :shock: :D :P (My use of exclamation points and smileys is skyrocketing...-lol-) A lot of people may not find that so great compared to the PS3 and Wii and all, but this is the first game system I've ever had and I love it!

...Forgive me. ^_^; I'm just really excited, that's all. :P

Oh, and I won't be online for a while; I'm going to be staying at my grandma's house for a few days. So sorry that I'll miss out on your blogs and stuff.

Pic (another one that I drew from Danny Phantom...sorry, I've been in a doodling mood lately. :P):

Quote: "I like you. When the world is mine, your death shall be quick and painless." ~Stewie Griffin from Family Guy

Random Fact: Mel Blanc, the voice of Bugs Bunny, was allergic to carrots, ironically enough.