manimal24's forum posts
I have an Ozzy Osbourne, Silent Bob and Chucky from Child's play Mii... those are my favorites.
[QUOTE="stewpidduh"]u have to go to that island on the left side of the southwestern sea-chart and go into that caveJ-man45
Ummm... That's where the sun door is. All I can think of is some glitch. Do you have the original DS? Cause I heard that somtimes the game glitches when played on the old one.
I played it on an original DS and I had no problems. Mabie its something else?
I agree with the op, nintendo and wii are just simply **** I feel sorry for anyone who considers wii a gaming console.Solid_Snake300
I feel sorry for anyone too ignorant and small minded to appreciate something new and different.
Theres a whole forum for console comparison. This shouldn't be in the Wii forum.
Theres a whole forum for console comparison. This shouldn't even be in the Wii forum.
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