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marajade312 Blog

My dad played a really good joke on Stephen

Ok, so yesterday we went out for dinner. And Stephen just happened to call me. Well, my dad was using my phone, so he answers.

Stephen did not know my dad was the one on the phone. So, my dad pretended to be me, and acted all... sick? He was trying to make it sound like I had lost my voice again.

[spoiler] Stephen believed it! [/spoiler]

So, when my dad finally told him that he was the one doing it, he was speechless. So I grabbed the phone, and Stephen's all like "I'm not mad, I'll just get even!" (he said to my dad, since I put him on speaker)

It was so much fun... :lol:

Its hard to think of blog titles

I have... nothing to really blog about. Other than my mom's manager is a total jerk and should be fired (or sued)!

He is obviously racist. Its not my mom's fault that she's white! He is just a mean person who doesn't know anything and hates my mom.

He made her cry. :cry:

So for that, he will pay.

About those pics... and CNN

Would any of you believe that... my computer won't accept them?

Ok, so I took most of them on my phone (some on my dad's camera) and loaded all of them onto my mini SD stick, then stuck it in the adapter, and then tried getting my computer to acknowledge that something was there... seems there's no SD outlet on my computer?

I have no idea. I'm clueless about computers, unless I have a manual. And even then, I'm pretty lost. Oh well. I'll just get Stephen to help me... if he'll ever drop by!

Oh, did anyone watch CNN on election day? That "hologram" was so fake! The restaurant we were at had all hi-def screens, so it looked a little out of place... people were talking about how Star Wars can show up anywhere, even at the election! Here's the link to the broadcast.

And, I'm feeling a little better, I got my voice back yesterday, but I'm still coughing a little bit. I'll be fine for a few hours, then I start coughing and don't stop! But thanks to everyone who prayed that I'll get better :) Those prayers have been working! :)

My long overdue vacation/birthday blog!!!

Ok, so I've been back from Disney World since early Saturday morning, but haven't had access to a computer until now.

DISNEY WORLD WAS SO AWESOME!!! I had so much fun! I couldn't believe how fast the days went by! It seemed like we had just gotten to the park when it was time to leave again!

I took a lot of pics, but I'm not going to post them right now, mainly because I have so much stuff to do on a lot of other sites.

Oh, and by the way, I am now 15! Yay!

More on Disney to come in later blogs...

My last blog... maybe

This might be my last blog before I go on vacation, not sure if I'm going to be able to get on tomorrow... since I'm taking my PSAT!

I'm not as nervous anymore, 'cause I found out that if I don't answer a question, it doesn't count against me! Yes!

Oh, Stephen left this morning for Disney, but stopped in Houston to see family. I'll be leaving Thursday to meet him at Disney on Friday/Saturday.


My early birthday present from Stephen :)

Last night Stephen gave me my birthday present :) He new I was dying to know what it was, and he didn't want anything to happen to it at Disney World, so he gave it to me yesterday.

He got me a Sony Speaker DOCK/CLOCK Radio for my iPod. :) I had been needing something to play my iPod with ever since my old computer speakers broke, and so he got this for me! The best part is that it will charge it too!

So, I set it all up at 11:00 last night, and fall asleep (I'm so thankful for that!). Little did I know that I had set the alarm volume... LOUD. So, 25 minutes ago it went off and nearly gave me a heart attack!

I'm going to go play with it some more after I'm done here...



3 new games!!! And my brother's 11th birthday

So, today is my brothers birthday, he's turning 11 :)

And, my dad bought him Star Wars The Force Unleashed... for the DS, since we're going to be going to Disney World in a couple of days.

My sister bought StormBreaker for the DS... it was only $5.99 at Gamestop.

I bought Lego Batman, mainly because they didn't have Lego Indiana Jones.

And, we got a car charger w/ adapter for mine and my sister's DS lite, and my brother's hand-me-down DS.

I SO CAN'T WAIT FOR DISNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is just wrong (read please, you'll see why)

Decision to teach kids to be gay allowed to stand
'This despicable ruling not of the people, nor for the people, but against the people'

A federal court decision approving mandatory public school instruction for children as young as kindergarten in how to be homosexual is being allowed to stand, drawing a description of "despicable" from the parent who unsuccessfully challenged his school district's gay advocacy agenda.

The U.S. Supreme Court without comment has refused to intervene in a case prompted by the actions of officials at Estabrook Elementary school in Lexington, Mass., who not only were teaching homosexuality to young children, but specifically refused to allow Christian parents to opt their children out of the indoctrination.

The case on which WND has reported previously involves Massachusetts father David Parker, who with his wife now have withdrawn their children from public schools, for which they continue to pay taxes, and are homeschooling.

The decision by the Supreme Court leaves standing the ruling from the appeals court for Massachusetts, where Judge Sandra Lynch said those who are concerned over such civil rights violations "may seek recourse to the normal political processes for change in the town and state."

Earlier District Judge Mark Wolf had ordered that school officials' work to undermine Christian beliefs and teach homosexuality is needed to prepare children for citizenship, and if parents don't like it they can elect a different school committee or homeschool their children.

This was taken from World Net Daily, one of the best online news station you can find.

Now, I don't want to offend anyone on here, but COME ON! They're just children! They shouldn't even need to KNOW that some people are... like that! Its wrong!

I couldn't help but laugh when I heard what I caused :P

Ok, so Stephen does taekwondo, and I really disagree with what's been happening lately. So, I prayed that Stephen wouldn't have to go to taekwondo the rest of the week (I prayed this on tuesday)

So, yesterday, I txt Stephen to ask how he was doing, like I always do, and I found out that he got food poisening! Turns out, he ate at subway, and 4 hours later (at the same time I was praying) he got sick!

I couldn't help but laugh... it was too funny!