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marajade312 Blog

Happy Birthday's!

Today is my grammy's birthday! (I have two grandma's, so I call one grammy, the other grandma) She's turning... old? :P I'm not sure how old she is, but I'm happy she's not up in Utah anymore.

And, my brother's birthday is Saturday! He's turning 11 this year!

Then comes my dad's birthday on the 20th, he's turning 43 (but he looks WAY older) [spoiler] you didn't hear that from me! [/spoiler]

Then comes my birthday on the 25th!!! I'll be turning 15 this year!

Then its my sister's birthday, she's turning 13 on the 28th.

My friend Ashley's birthday is on the 29th and she's turning 17.

So many birthday's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I'm bored!

Yeah... there's nothing to do on the internet anymore. I've done it all. At least, I've done all I want to do. All in less than an hour. *SIGH*

But, yeah, do you know how hard it is to learn 3 years worth of math in 1 night?! Its VERY hard. Especially when the person thats trying to help you isn't any good with what you're trying to learn!!!

My brain hurts just thinking about taking the PSAT. I KNOW I can pass the critical thinking and english portions of the test with no problem. But the math... thats always been my weakness on all those kinds of tests. I'm really nervous... and it doesn't help that we're leaving right after my test for disney :roll:

Oh, and, they actually have a good song to download for free on iTunes. Its the Discovery Download of the week. It has a positive message, and is pretty good. I recommend downloading ;)

Bad dreams...

The whole night last night. I got NO SLEEP, which means its been uhhh a lot of hours since I've actually slept for more than an hour. :x

I don't want to tell what the dreams were about, because... I'm still not over them yet. They really scared me, and I don't get scared easily. At least not anymore.

Oh, and I am studying like crazy trying to understand all the math thats going to be on the PSAT. I'm nervous... and my dads not helping much!

And, we're leaving early for Disney... right after my test! Yikes!

Triple-Bypass Surgery

Thats what my pastor just had done yesterday. I'm just glad he's doing ok!

and, I have a whole new IN FASHION wardrobe for Disney World!!! And, tonight, when I go out with Stephen (whom I haven't seen in over a month) I will wear probably the most... daring outfit I have ever worn around him.

I'll just leave you to your imaginations... :P

Oh, and just a heads up, I won't probably be on here after 0ct. 10... ish that much, since I'll be on vacation :) With the one I love :D


*taken from hyprgig on MLNO*


1. Set all the alarm clocks to go off in 10-minute intervals
2. Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone, "Code 3 in housewares,..."and see what happens.
3. Go to the Service Desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on lay away.
4. While handling guns in the hunting department, ask the clerk if he knows where the anti-depressants are.
5. Go into a *beep* room, shut the door and wait a while and then yell loudly "There's no toilet paper in here".
6. When an announcement comes over the loud speaker, assume the fetal position and scream "NO! NO! It's those voices again!!!"
7. Dart around the store suspiciously while loudly humming the theme from 'Mission Impossible'.
8. Move a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.
9. Sit down and relax on the patio furniture until they kick you out
10. Set up a tent in the camping department
11. Look right into the security camera, use it as a mirror and pick your nose.
12. Take pictures of absolutely everything.
13. When a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask 'Why can't you people just leave me alone?
14. Hide in a clothing rack and when people browse through, say "PICK ME! PICK ME!"
15. Make a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the rest rooms.
16. Randomly put boxes of things suck as condoms and tampons into people's carts.
17. See what you can "catch" by casting fishing poles into different isles.
18. Play football and see how many people you can get to join in.
19. Play soccer using the whole store as your field
20. Try on bras over your clothes in the middle of the store.
21. Try to get people to race you across the store.
22. Sit on the floor and watch T.V. in the electronics department.
23. Pretend to speak a different language and see how many weird looks you get
24. Superglue quarters to the floor and count how many people try to pick them up
25. Switch all the radios to strange stations suck as polka or Mexican rap and turn the volume all the way up.
26. Fill up carts and just leave them around the store.
27. When someone is behind you in a narrow aisle, walk very slowly, humming to yourself.
28. Drape a blanket around your shoulders and pretend to be superman.
29. TP the entire store.
30. Walk up to random strangers and say "I haven't seen you in so long!" etc.
31. Do the same thing, except ask for their autograph.
32. Play Red Rover with other customers. Except don't tell them that they're playing.
33. Test brushes and combs
34. Take up an entire toy aisle with a G.I. Joe vs. Rescue Heroes battle of epic proportions.
35. Take bets on the battle.
36. Have sword fights with tubes of wrapping paper.
37. Follow people.
38. Play with the price scanners.
39. Spray air-freshener everywhere.
40. Play with the automatic doors.
41. Make a pillow fort.
42. Make up nonsense products and ask newly hired employees if there any in stock, i.e., "Do you have any Shnerples here?"
43. Shopping cart races. Enough said.
44. Crawl into gym bags and laundry hampers.
45. Put a "Valet Parking" sign in front of the store.
46. Leave Cheerios in Lawn and Garden, pillows in the pet food aisle, etc.
47. Two words. Marco Polo.
48. "Re-alphabetize" the CD's
49. "Re-alphabetize" the books.
50. When someone steps away from their cart to look at something, quickly make off with it without saying a word.
51. Pay off layaways fifty cents at a time.
52. Buy a candybar. Eat it. Get back in line. Buy another candy bar. Eat it. Get back in line. Repeat until you get bored.
53. Drag a lounge chair on display over to the magazines, relax and if the store has a food court, buy a soft drink; explain that you don't get out much, ask if they can put a little umbrella in it.
54. Change all the calculators to say "hello" and "Bob Hesse" upside-down.
55. Burn something.
56. Bring a lot of hammers/scrap metal and make a "Custom Swordmaking" stand next to the last checkout counter.
57. Spill clear soap down an aisle.
58. Walk off with people's carts.
59. Pretend to be a Jehovah's Witness and attempt to convert everyone, including employees in the store.
60. Dress like you're Amish and start rollerblading around the store.
61. Sing loudly. Badly. Or better yet, try to rap.
62. Pay for something like a pack of gum with a bad check when there's a really long line of people behind you.
63. Somehow get a motor scooter. Race your friends around the store.
64. Throw things from aisle to aisle.
65. If there's a produce department, poke and touch all of the fruits and vegetables.
66. Leave all the freezer doors open.
67. Switch price tags to make it look like a grill is $.99 and a bag of candy is $499, etc.
68. Release a cage of mice, a snake, etc. into the store.
69. Charge people to park.
70. Egg the security trucks.
71. You know that door-thingy for carts with the plastic flaps hanging down instead of an actual door? Go through it.
72. When you get in trouble, accuse them of being prejudiced against non-shopping carts.
73. Do the Macarena or the Cha-Cha Slide in the middle of the store.
74. Pretend to be blind and insist that the dog is there to help you get around, not to wreak havoc in the pet department.
75. Light a candle, and make smores.
76. Breakdance.
77. In the electronics department, start a mosh pit in front of a boom box or stereo with a few of your friends.
78. Play basketball in the toy section.
79. Dress up as Santa and let little kids sit on your lap. (Especially in the middle of the summer)
80. Charge parents for a picture.
81. Sing the national anthem into a karaoke machine.
82. Pretend to be an F.B.I. agent.
83. Ask the security guards if they have guns. If they say yes, refuse to believe them until they show you at which point you run away screaming "He's got a gun! He's got a gun! Run away!"
84. Duct tape things to the floor, walls, etc. that don't belong there.
85. Walk up to people and start laughing. Then walk away like nothing happened.
86. Go to sleep on the floor.
87. "Accidentally" knock over displays.
88. Put on hats, gloves, and scarves and pretend like you're absolutely freezing.
89. "[insert local sports team here] sucks!!"
90. In the parking lot, pretend to be in an unmarked police car and point a black hair dryer at passing cars.
91. Act shocked when they don't have some totally obscure item in stock. Like a Korean pop C.D. or something.
92. Talk like a valley girl and act dumb and see how long employees can stand you. "Like, ohmigawd! Like, where is the mascara? I sooo like, totally need it tonight!"
93. Ask for directions to Kmart.
94. Scream "look at that!" and see how many people look at where you're pointing.
95. Shoot rubber bands/hair ties at customers
96. Flirt with middle-aged and older employees. See how they react.
97. Run around in circles until you fall down.
98. Dip tampons in Kool-aid and throw them at people
99. Anything else in general that could get you shot, arrested, questioned, kicked out, laughed at, killed, stared at, or confuse, annoy, or injure other people
100. Have a friend push you in a shopping cart while shouting the British are coming! The British are coming!
101. Paintball Battle!?
102. Open a model train, set up the tracks and sing "I've been workin' on the railroad..." as loud as you can.
103. Set the fire alarms off.
104. Have a BMX race.

Yeah... some of them are pretty funny, others... you just have to wonder :lol:

My dad got a new job!

I'm so happy right now! Because this means we will have money to spend again!!!

And... I accidentally hit the bold button :P

But, yeah, my dad has another house to build for someone, and maybe a remodeling job!

Oh, and its exactly 3 weeks until we go to Disney World! And, 1 month until my birthday!!!

I WAS ON NATIONAL TV!!! And what happened to me this weekend

I was on national and international tv this weekend! OMG!!!!!! Here's the link to the broadcast!!!! Please watch! You might have to register, but it only takes a few seconds!

This was broadcasted to all of America, and on 15 satellites reaching over 400 million people, in more than 200 nations and territories!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways, in case you were wondering which one out of the 1000 women that were there was me, on Sept. 18 I was wearing a black shirt, on Sept. 20 (which is really Sept. 19) I was wearing a pink shirt with red stripes. I'm shown really early in the broadcast with my mom on the Sept. 20 (really 19th) broadcast.

Ok, now on to what happened to me this weekend. I... changed. For the good. This conference... really showed me what I used to be like. I feel like a new person now. And thats because I am. I won't go into detail, mainly because its personal. But...

I learned a lot about what it means to be a "King's Daughter". I'll probably make another blog about that, just because this one is pretty long already.

Oh, and Stephen is on vacation, so I haven't been able to talk to him about this yet...

If he cared...

He would at least call me. Not txt. Call. But he won't, so he obviously doesn't care. :cry:

And, if he does call, he'll hear a song. Playing. About what I'm feeling right now. Which is very depressed. :cry:

I wish he cared! :cry:

Its cold here

Its very cold outside. Which is strange, since we just had a hurricane. And, two days ago it was over 100 degrees.

But, this morning it was 58 outside! :shock: Right now its... about 75 degrees! So, we've beat 2 records this week for temperature.

Yay us.