Yay for leaving personal opinions out of reviews! Someone needs to teach him what satire is.
Whatever happened to Kevin doing the major game reviews?
After the last few bad reviews, I think Gamespot needs to start having several reviewers reviewing one game and just use the average of their scores...
Or, hire better reviewers like they do over at IGN. GTAV: Better detailed game review and PERFECT 10!
Thanks for the reply. I think it's a bit weird to not spend another 10 bucks for another ~240gb. For what you get, I feel that the 12gb should be a lot cheaper.
I did not know that you can add your own hard drive. That is pretty cool.
This is pointless. A brand new game costs $60. So a new game and 12gb pa3 would be around $260. You can go to best buy and get a 250gb ps3 that's bundled with the latest drakes fortune for about $270. In September you can get a 500gb pa3 with headset and the gta5 for $300.
F**k all the people who say they'd pay 100, 200, 300 $ to play this game...I'd give my nutsack, and the nutsacks of my children's children's children to play this right now!
martouf02's comments