...a novelty.
Now before the sheep start stampeding, please hear me out. The Wii is revolutionary and I can see why it is selling good. I haven't had extensive time with the system but enough to grasp the concept of the Wii and a few of the games released for it. But from a gamers standpoint, it just doesnt cut it compared to what you can get elsewhere. I confess, I am a bit of a graphics whore, but gameplay is what ultimately keeps me hooked for hours and days sometimes. Everyone have an open-mind and take a minute to read what I have to say.
--Controller boggles my mind on how it works. I feel sometimes like I have a full body controller on sensing every movement I make. Truly innovative.
--First-party games are what you have come to expect from Nintendo. All the familiar names are there or will be shortly (Zelda, Metroid, Mario, etc.)
--It is cheaper than the PS3 and Xbox 360 and tons cheaper than a gaming rig.
--You actually work up a sweat so if you want to do some aerobic exercise and game at the same time, you can.
--Slick-looking system that fits with anyone's home theatre set-up.
--Graphics are poor compared to today's standards and will only get worse with what is coming out there for other systems.
--Sound could actually be worse than the graphics.
--I couldn't play for more than an hour at a time b/c I was tired. And I work out religiously. It is just that I'm not looking to exercise while playing games. I'm looking to unwind and relax.
--Motion sensing is still not where I would like it to be. There was targeting issues with a few of the FPS games I played and other little annoyances that reminded me that this is new tech.
--Third-party games are weak and nothing on the horizon that jumps out at me. Anything multi-platform either skips the Wii or is a watered down port.
--Majority of games are for a younger audience and I'm not that young anymore.
I'm sure I may have left out a few advantages and disadvantages but this is what my initial impression of playing the Wii has left me with. You get a fun system that would be cool to play with a lot of people who aren't serious gamers. My uncle is the one who owns the system and he is 50+ years old. Exactly the type of person Nintendo is hoping for. And I guarantee you a year from now, he will not be playing his Wii anymore. He's always been into the latest and most hyped tech and this is the latest one. Kinda like the Wii commercials, where you have those two guys come into a business or house and it shows everyone having a good ol' time. It's like a trivia game or board game that you whip out when lots of people are together and need something to do to kill time. A passing interest...a fad...a NOVELTY. Nintendo knows this and, quite frankly, the only ones who don't get it are crazed Nintendo fans. Nintendo doesn't want you sitting on the couch wasting the day away playing their machine. They are content to sell them like hot-cakes for real cheap, let them collect dust in the closet or corner, and when you want a party game or short diversion from reality, to think of them. Everyone has there preference and I like cutting-edge graphics, mature themes, and immersive gameplay. Not cartoonish looking, keyboard sounding, my-wrist-is-throbbing, gameplay.
Anyone else feel the same way? Any Nintendo fans that can acknowledge these obvious facts but are happy anyways? I'd rather fanboys admit the system is a novelty but don't really care, rather than trying to pass this system off as a true gaming system and deny the obvious.
You are a genius my friend, couldn't have said it better my self. Precisely my thoughts on the Wii and whyI wont buy one.
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