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masamune_aya Blog

It's a girl! (A big girl)

Well Aya finally had her baby! A girl weighing in at 10lbs 5 1/2oz. This child of mine looks like a 3 month old, born on June 23rd, 2008. Wewt wewt. So I may be away from Gamespot a bit longer than I had hoped. Anyhow, yeah. . .forgive me, I suffer from sleep depravation retardation. So i'm a lil' sluggish. I'll post later

Long time and no see? But i gotta Wii!

Alright so my blog says i havent been on since August of '07. Lies, I do log on often, but since then, I've gotten married and have managed to pro-create! For me that's a great thing, for others I've instilled fear into their lives. It is true, I did purchase a Wii recently and only have few games for it, cause i'm still noobing it out on my handy PS2. I wanted to know peoples thoughts on which Wii games are best, before i go blowing my $$ on games that are not worth it. So lemme in on the info!

Audition more like Addiction

Alright, so I started to play this new FREE online game I stumbled upon while serfing the net as my nerdiness seems to cause, and I LOVE it. The game is called Audition you can find it through Nexon's website, they're the same one's who do Maple Story and the such, I honestly suggest giving it a try...and if you get pissed off at the game the first few times, dont fret, it only gets better!! There's the link, hope u all enjoi as much as I did. BTW, I missed u guys hardcore!! Love Ya All Ur friendly neighborhood Aya

Gonna be 22 yrs OMG

Hahahaha I'm gonna be 22 on the 30th...Ohhh i'm getting old, but I got this sweet ass World of Warcraft of the plusess to working in a ur own cake Anyhow, just thought I'd say hi while I'm still 21. Much love from Your friendly Neigborhood Aya~

My WoW Bloodelf Art

 Yeah alright, well I'm in the process of finishing this. Aya got bored at work and decided to draw her bloodelf rogue Animystah from WoW. And this is the outcome I came up with. I might edit later, and it looks sooo much better in RL. Tell meh what u think~

Conformist maybe?

Thanks Mo, I've conformed~ I must reach out to those you cannot...Copy & paste the link, AND CONFORM~~~

Haha oh the pain

So yeah Friday, got my wisdom teeth pulled ...and I dont think he did it right, but when I get them *cause as gross as I am, I asked if I could keep them* I am going to scan them and post them on here for all to see their HUGENESS, I guess originally they're supposed to break em with a chizzle or somin, but mine were stuck in my jaw so he ganked em out with some huge flat thing, and tore up the inside of my mouth a bit. I got stitches everywhere, and am allergic to my pain pills. GOD HATES ME. Lol. So yeah, bet ur wanting to see my wisdom teeth dontcha? ~ Will update~ ~Ur fav hottie not really, but we can pretend~ AyA MaSaMuNe

Wonder where I've been??!!

Okay I nerded out and reconformed...I've been playing on World of Warcraft, for all those WoW nerds out there too, I gotta lv 20 Bloodelf rogue on Steamweedle...her name is Animystah so hit me up sometime~ ~Aya

5:30 am and no one online...

One of the worst things about being completely commited to your guy, is that when he leaves the bed you cannot sleep no matter what! Well last night our friend James was in town so we all went to the Humbolt to play some pool...then 11:30 rolled around, * i know not late for some* and me and my guy decided it was time to go home and hit the hay. Well we made it home and of course I've gotta check up on blogs and email, so I browsed for a lil while. Then time came to go to bed, it was sooooooooo hard sleeping because for dinner I had a resturaunt version of a egg mcMuffin *only better* and about four cups of coffee. So I got to makes me talk and think, so my fiance and I are really tired, he just left for work, it's my day off and WTF??!! I"m awake at 5:30am exhausted and nothing to do...*le sigh* At least I have my cappucinno