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masamune_aya Blog

FF2 Crimson Butterfly X-Box

Okay so I've been wanting this game for ever, and I finally found it for twenty dollars, I love it cause it's as creepy as hell but beautiful at the same time. But there are somethings I dun understand about it you know...although once I've finished beating the game I will tell if it was fantastical or not~Love ya all~ Ambyr

Silent Hill The Movie Reviewed by Me

Okay so if you've read my blog posts you would know that "I" yours truly is absolutely F*ing terrified of Pyramid Head from SH2. So when I heard that they were making a movie out of the story, I about creamed my pants... "O.o" okay maybe I did cream my pants a little, but that's beside the point. I decided that I would bring it upon my self to gather up some balls and watch the movie reguardless of the fact of Pyramid Heads appearance in the movie. *that and i was interested to see if the movie industries could make him as terrifying as he was in the game* I myself was impressed with how they did Pyramid Head, he in deed made me jump...although I wish he had a few more appearances. Overall if I were to rate the movie on my own POV...I would give it an 8/10 docking two points for the last two minutes of the movie. ~Ambyr aka Aya

I require a fan club...

Yes it is going to happen...I am going to make a website for my fans...wierd though they love me...I don't love me though...ah it's a dream none the less. On another note, beat Onimusha 2, and need to run through it again...pick up all the other dilly dallies, and then I might just move onto something else, I dunno what yet...lets see, any suggestions as to what I should entertain myself with??

Dir En Grey again...

Sorry for ranting on, but you got to love these guys...if you want to see a video this is it.

Syntche is back in the works!!

For those of you who do not know what Syntche is, I will have you know that it is a manga that my Nemesis and I have been working on, but after an unfortunate run in with braincramp and writersblock, we decided to take a three month break to collect ourselves. Finally we got back into it, and in the past week have pushed ourselves to the fifth chapter. It's pretty difficult when there are only two of you working on everything, but I guess two is better than one! We are excited and hope to have the first book finalized by July 2006. If we hit some bumpy points, it may take longer, seeing as we cannot really afford all of the supplies that we need. Which is why we shall improvise! Working genius. On another note, I am currently working on saving up the money to leave this pathetic state. Hopefully I will get to Ohio within the year! Root for me!!

Back to Reality...

alright all, now that the trauma of that last incodent is over, I have finally gathered my humanity and am able to continue gaming...I will have to update further later alright~~until then, *stole this from one of my friends* Over and Out!~

Creepy Stalker

hmmm have you ever had a creepy stalker...with wierd issues...well mine is Section912...he wont leave me do I keep him from my Gamespot account and everything else?? All he sends is hate mail...I've tried reporting him, what should I do?