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masamune_aya Blog

Rogue Tomato? wtf?

Okay so the first boss I fight in FFXII is the Rogue Tomato...this guy has aparently been bothering ppl and my guy gets to go deal with him...  He doesn't seem to scary...I mean he's kinda like a voodoo doll with a tomato for a head you just wanna squeeze him into ketsup...ah well, he was easy enough...I enjoyed fighting him. Fav part when he sqeaked off the cliff and waited for me at the bottom. Silly lil' fella~

Okay so I gave into Mo17

Mo: You should try Rogue Galaxy it's a great game... Aya: Yeah, but right now I'm playing FFXII, and I don't know if I'll have the money...maybe next week. Mo: Alright, but you wont be sorry!! ~Two days later~ *My fiance picks me up from work and pulls into Wal*Mart* Me: Why are we stopping here, it's your brothers birthday right? Him: Yeah, but you wanted Rogue Galaxy right? Me: Well yeah but... Him: Alright then! Me: Okay if you say so... *we walk in and buy Rogue Galaxy* Me: I'm happy Him: Good! *We go to his families house and celebrate his brother's birthday, without word of RG and then we drive home.* Me: I'm gonna post this on GS. Him: I'm gonna play S.T.A.L.K.E.R *I log on and type what you're currently reading* Aya: Oh btw I got Rogue Galaxy XD Thanks Mo!!

OMG she lives??!!'s true...I didnt flatline, I didnt crash and die, I didnt grow up and leave GS forever...I lost my computer, lost my house, my boyfriend and my job...but then...I found a guy, got a house, got a job, got engaged, bought a computer and am back!! (all in that order!! But over time lol) I finally made it back to Gamespot and I'm happy to be here, but fear not dear friends, during my abscense I did not stray away from gaming, but played more. I bought many a games, and even started playing PC games...(ZOMG WHAT A NERD!!) Is it odd to be constantly picked on by your family because you're a gamer?? I have a job so it's not like I'm lazy, I clean and cook...I dont drive though...*I call pedestrian points, not too safe XP* But it is good to be back...and wanted to let you all know that Aya's returned!!!


Alright so, last week my fiance and I drove to Eugene for our little vacation (if you even wanna call it a vacation) and we came across a BestBuy. There I not only bought a new computer *gorgeous* but also fell upon FFXI which I had heard so much hype about. Now I'm not a fan of MMORPG's that cost as much per month as FFXI but I figured I'd give it a try, so I picked it up threw $30 down, and went home to try it. When I got home I happily installed it...yeah...happily? It only took forever to install. THEN when I finally was able to try the game there was a $12 charge to have 1 character, who didnt save the way I wanted her, the installation part is just god aweful and grueling and then when it finally came time to play the game...the controls didnt work, she ran into a wall, I tried to read the book it didnt tell me how. And this game would not in any manner let me exit!!! Even hitting the 'Windows' key didnt minimize the screen. I was so angry I had to have my fiance figure out how to exit the game and then I had him cancel the subscription and remove it from my computer. I've never been so dissappointed with a game in such a short period of time in my life. EVER.  But then a few days ago, with my still jonesing for FF, we ran to Wal*Mart (a conspiracy) and I purchased FFXII as he purchased S.T.A.L.K.E.R. When I brought it home, I was pleased, the graphics are beautiful, the story line so far is real good and not too jumpy, and the controls are simple enough for me. The only problem I have with the game so far is the battle system...I feel it is too slow. But perhaps that could be because I am just at the start of the game. Can u guys tell me your comments on these two games?

The Truth is out there, Mine is the truth behind Aeriths death...

 as you all can see that surely enough, it wasn't out of scorn or hate that my dear sweet Sephy slain and murdered Aerith, as you can see from this painting...(an actual photo from the scene of the crime) He merely put her out of her misery, to ease her suffering. Cant you see people, she was abused and unloved, notice by the thin layer of skin hanging directly off of her bones, she was starving and weak. If anything at all, the whole scene where my lovable Sephy stabbs her could have been planted into our minds to make us all feel sorry for Cloud for losing her, but you dont know, the pic above could also show that he hates her, and is going to drown her. She could also have a tape worm...all in all, she had to die, to end her suffering and had my sephy done so, it would have been out of pity and remourse. He did what he had to! For Aerith.


Finally finally finally i got Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition and Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams, now I know that you are all thinking that those games have been out forever now and it doesn't really matter. But in my little town of Coos Bay, it does matter because those games don't normally make it here. I have myself on a waiting list for Dirge of Cerberus, and dammit I will own that game!!! So yeah, just wanted to let you know. BTW Virgil is sooo bonerific in DMC3SE...Lawls.~~

My Birthday in 14 days!!!

So it's my birthday in like 14 days, 21WOOT!!! and there is a friend of mine who lives in Ohio, I was telling about how I wanted to buy Magna Carta & Nocturne so bad but I cannot find it in my hometown because all of our stores suck, he told me he had both games and beat them, thn told me that this weekend he will go out and buy them for me and send em to me, and also buy me a gamestop...Yay~~ BTW, I forget what a gamestop is again...

Fable is funny but can be dirty too~~ Kyaaa!!

Okay so I got this deal on Fable for the XBox @ my local blockbuster, although I wouldn't quite call it a deal. And decided that I wanted to play it, well I bring it home and the first part is pretty damn slow, but once you get into the gameplay I found it quite fun, especially when you get to flirt with the girls or the guys...kehehe...and then you get him married and have him do the blacked out horizontal mambo...I dunno I thought it was funny...cause he really does try so hard to be attractive...the only downfall is that most of the villager CPU's had the same voices~~ Meh~~~

Final Fantasy VII for 2007

Today I picked up the newest issue of EGM and within it's contents I noticed a preview stating that Square Enix plans to release a remake of the original PS1 FFVII for a later date in 2007. But before they toyed around with people with their "0FFVII PS3 Tech Demo" well according to EGM this wasn't just a toy it was a preview. I dunno whether to take this as a hoax or what...but I sure as hell hope to see a remake...the preview showed what looks like FFVIIAC graphics, which would just make me cream my scanties~~so if anyone has any feedback on this topic drop me a line and fill me in alright??   Thanks, Your friendly neighborhood me, Aya~~