lol at all the console gamers having a fit because people can have things they can't have, and do things they can't do. If you want the best experience, it's always best on PC.. no questions about it.. you say you want it on xbox one x, but that will not run higher than 30 fps, just wait and see. You get what you pay for in the end, and if you want the best, you better pony up or shut up.
Yeah it's like they are saying there is something wrong with not being a person of color... its really sickening.. they all want to be "inclusive" but then leave white people out of all their celebrations.. that is not how this is suppose to work lol, that is not how you combat racism.
@Bread_or_Decide: Just because you say I'm a racist doesn't make me a racist lol. What I said wasn't racist.. you assume it is racism but thats because you are blind, it's how a lot of us feel. Like we don't matter, like we should be held accountable for our ancestors wrong doings, like we should feel guilty for something we have/had no control over. If you can't see that you are blind to the truth.. This isn't celebrating color, this is celebrating everything that isn't white! and we are not apart of the celebration. This will be the last thing I say to you, you don't want to talk or have a conversation and understand how people feel, you just wanna call people racist, just say it, it makes you feel better. Grow up
reading this almost makes me feel bad for not being a "people of color". Like we got to pick being a white people when we were born. FeelsBadMan , WhiteAintRight 2019
masscrack's comments