@aross2004: Your point is redundant. leave netflix up, leave xbox one up, leave ps4 up, or anything else up, on a static image, and a screensaver will pop up within minutes.. you have nothing to worry about. Maybe leaving your tv on CNN all day or something the logo will burn in, but the c8's make the logo dim or disappear all together if you want. Why wouldn't my comment apply to exactly what you are saying? Because it doesn't fit your narrative I assume. lulz nice try!
@aross2004: If you left your c7 or c8 on a static screen, a screensaver will come up within 5 mins causing no damage to your screen. I've had the c7 over a year now and have no image retention or burn-in at all. Same with my c8.
@thatoneguy7895: That is laughable, because I have hundreds of games on pc and have barely encountered that many errors. He probably has driver issues, or faulty hardware or just exaggerating. I have both consoles, xbox one x and ps4 pro, sometimes fps can dip below 30 and loading can take forever. So they each have their own issues. PC gaming is the best experience in my personal opinion, been gaming since I could walk, building computers since I was 11. But to each their own. You don't have to have a 2080 ti to have a solid computer, a 1060 for 250 dollars would still outperform a console. Anyways, enjoy your gaming!
masscrack's comments