@doctor_mg: You don't really seem to comprehend what I'm saying. People are buying back into a game they didn't like. New people are buying in over the hype and fancy looking trailers. Media is treating this like a brand new game over a patch. Shaun Murray took this turd, polished it up a bit, and resold it like a brand new experience. He sold this game twice, I'm sorry you can't understand that, but again you are one of the one's who bought no man's sky, so that would make sense you having his back. Dude is a liar and a con-man, and he just conned another million. You don't give a liar a second paycheck. Dude is rich now beyond his wildest imagination. I'm not giving him a cent more.
@doctor_mg: correct in some instances, but others like gamestop, they bought the game at full price then resold it back to the store for 10 dollars maybe.. Then they went back and bought it again after hearing about how "amazing" this update changed the game. People that read the reviews and didn't buy the game, are now buying the game after media has talked it up (again). Like i said people are buying back in, and now he sold this game like brand new a second time. He is smart, sold the same game twice. People are so gullible it hurts.. just lining this man's pockets for a game he oversold and overhyped. Why support someone that gave you a shit sandwich for full price from the get go. Now everything is just all ok. Yeah get outta here with that, I aint supporting him.
no man's sky has been #1 top seller on steam for two weeks now. So people are obviously buying it now after the next update. So basically the people who refunded are buying back in along with a lot of new owners. He sold the same game twice.
Paid review, this game shouldn't have been re-reviewed that is not fair to other games. He basically sold the same game twice over a patch. You guys gave him that 3rd vacation home he always wanted, and the 2nd yacht.. disgrace. One Man's Lies.
masscrack's comments