@gamer162594: you have the rebuttal of a six year old. a nice 24" 1080p monitor is 100 bucks on newegg.. considering you don't want to be using a 24 inch 1080p monitor sitting on your couch playing a console game, it is fairly reasonable to suggest you're going to get a 40" or above tv screen and if you are stepping up to a ps4 pro or scorpio, that is meant for 4k HDR tv's, you're likely going to be getting a 4k hdr tv, otherwise what's the point? That being said, you're likely to spend at least 600 bucks on brand like vizio, sharp, or any other wal-mart brand.. and that is cutting it close, maybe unrealistic for 4k and HDR. So yes, I was being very reasonable. This is ASUS, one of the top brands in monitors,and IPS! https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236583, price 119.99
@joshrmeyer: if you've read below, I don't miss out on exclusives, I have a ps4, and love nioh, bloodborne, the last of us, and many others.. playing some more horizon zero dawn tonight.
@sladakrobot: I corrected myself in my main reply.. I have a ps4 but it's only for exclusives not for multiplats.. plus if these games came out years earlier for pc, why would I still care about them on ps4? Come on, use your head man. You got one thing correct, the op made a douche comment and I called out his bullshit, nuff said.. enjoy your games mate. also if u have any doubt I have a ps4 feel free to add me and ill send you a message while playing horizon tonight.
@sealionact: 700 bucks is a joke.. i don't have to upgrade to a 1080 ti, but I can because I want the best, and I have the spare money laying around I'm not doing anything with... I already had a 980 ti if that tells you anything, it would last a lot longer if I wanted it to. I sold my 980 ti for 400 bucks, so my new card really only cost me 300 bucks... meh not that big of deal.. if someone wanted to they would be just fine with a amd 480 for 179.99 , its a beast of a card.
@FlameVegaXV: not out yet, but enjoy your sub 30 fps, and 1080p or less mate.. that game is hard to run unless they really turn down the graphics for consoles.. also it wont be out anytime soon.. pc players have been able to play for over a year now.
@gamer162594: What is really important in the world though mate? If you had the spare money, why not just support something that you love? Whether that be race cars, golf, video games, or hookers.. we all live and die just like the rest, mine as well enjoy it while you can, if you can.
@sladakrobot: Why do you think I care what you play? I'm playing some more horizon zero tonight on my ps4, as well as some wildlands on my pc.. it okay you know, being able to choose where you want to play.
@sladakrobot: lol i keep schooling you around every corner.. those games I listed where mostly recent off the top of my head, and they where once exclusives at minimum.. there are also 20 exclusives I listedthat will never be on console and hundreds more I didn't list. Besides Batman, almost all the multiplatform games and xbox play anywhere games, play BETTER on PC, at higher FPS, visual fidelity and resolution? What is your counter argument to that?
masscrack's comments