@moose-fitz: how would nioh, horizon zero dawn, the last of us, days gone, god of war, and many more not appeal to them? i'd hate to be that gamer.
@moose-fitz: but multiplats run best on pc, and exclusives best on ps4.. why would anyone by an xbox scorpio?
my 1080 ti with 11 TFLOPS laughs thinking this must be a joke? True native 4k on console? hahaha what game are you playing?
@nadsat-77: You've never been in the military I take it.. all we did was crack jokes even under stress, pressure, and life threatening situations.. it helps ease the tension and build comradery.
@jcogopogo: it has matchmaking, just join with randoms and meet some new and interesting people across the world.. its fun but not mind blowing.
masscrack's comments