@Myron117: so battlefield 1 appealed to your demographic and they got you to buy the game already.. thats what they planned dude, its all about $$$ they don't give a shit about you lol.
@rosinmonkekyx17: lol he acts like he was there! "They where the best in WW1!", "They where the first there!," "First people to walk in Africa too"... man he is pushing his agenda hard.
@milk: i managed over 60 hours on my first play through, paid 37 bucks for it, less than a dollar an hour, not bad! played it a second play through too for another 60 hours, 120 hours so far, 37 bucks... good value, about to play it again soon
@Benny_a: No you're not my father thank goodness, you will probably never be one and should never be one lol. heres my speccy http://speccy.piriform.com/results/GbTbBQuJIQ33AEFSMQaZ6XO Proof i'm not lying (your turn).. I'm tired its damn 4:30am in the morning here and I was just using that as an example.. I run 1440p fool, why would anyone get a 980 ti and still run 1080p lol. How about this, lets just see who is right when NEO comes out. I'm tired of talking to your incompetent cocky self. Heres the games I bet never reach 60 fps on NEO (without a graphical downgrade).. Witcher 3, The Division, Dying Light, Dragon Age Inquistion, Lords of the Fallen, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Fallout 4 off the top of my head. Anyone new game or anyone of those that can't make 60 fps then I win and I want you to come back here and tell me what happened to your theory LMAO.. good night
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