@Fandango_Letho That really doesn't make much sense. The only way for the online community to grow on the Wii U is to have MP modes so people can actually play it online.
"attributed its "brisk" 3DS hardware sales to releasing "key titles one after another.""
Hmm... what's coming to the Wii U starting Aug. 4th? A stream of at least one or two games every month until the end of the year. You know, the same thing that got the 3DS out of trouble.
But keep this doom and gloom shit coming PlaySlaves and XBots. It's rather hilarious. And to the Nintendrones, buy the multiplats, even if they're gimped, just buy them. That way you can go on Miiverse and lay into the devs of whatever game that's gimped. You might get free shit.
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