@Haeravon @masterninja9 Was Galaxy anything like Sunshine? Is 3D World anything like Galaxy? I didn't know Mario Kart Wii even had an anti-gravity mechanic, or that you could race underwater.
Do you even know what a rehash is?
Rehash - To bring forth again in another form without significant alteration.
This is part of the reason why Nintendo innovates with their hardware. It pretty much forces them to make significant altercations to the gameplay of these franchises that make full use of the hardware (from the d-pad on the NES controller all the way to the gamepad).
Oh, and Miyamoto stated that he'll reveal his new IP next year. As a matter of fact, Ninty gets new IPs every gen.
@Haeravon When was the last Pikmin? The last console DKC? The last console 3D Mario? The last console Mario Kart? The last SSB? I'll let you partially slide with WWHD, but you can't really blame NInty for it.
@Gen007 You people complaining that the Wii U "has no games" are like children on a road trip screaming "are we there yet" every 5 minutes. You know damn well the games are coming. Hell, starting in 2 weeks, there will be one Wii U exclusive every month (along with 3rd part titles from Ubisoft, WB etc etc.) up until at least December.
@Naylord @masterninja9 Okay. I see why people may not like it as much as the original, but this is not enough of a negative to label it an abomination.
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