@ciphfer The Dreamcast's failure was Sega's final nail in the coffin (hardware wise). Before that, Sega was experiencing close to a decade of failed console after failed console. No profit made from them, just complete lost after lost. At least with Ninty, the N64 and GC may not have sold as much as the competition, but they still profited off of them. And the Wii shot those profits up tremendously. Don't even get started on handhelds.
The Wii U is 3x as powerful as the PS360, and the PS4 is 3x as powerful as the Wii U.
So if the Wii U is current gen for "only" being 3x as powerful as the PS360, going by that logic, shouldn't the PS4 be current gen as well since it's 3x as powerful as the Wii U?
Let's watch the retards and Ninty haters scramble to counter that point.
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