Honestly sorry about the loss of your home.
My wife and I still have 24 years to pay on our 30 year mortgage. We do this both working minimum wage jobs. We both went to college. She got her B.A., I have one year left.
With 3 kids, we've done it this way. Car is not a real fancy thing-but it was paid off BEFORE we bought house, as well as student loans.Not paying a landlord anymore means we own the only thing that consistently goes UP in value regardless of the economy. (Credit Card companies LOVE us because of this, but we turn their liar's promises down).With 30 year mortgage, we'll end up paying for an $80,000 house almosthalf over- BUT- unlike a balloon payment or sexy 'ARM' house loan (Adjustable Rate Mortgage) our legally binding monthly payment will NOT ever go up in price-in fact, it has recently gone DOWN.
I come to the internet using a 56kbps Modem(dialup). Laugh all you want, but it is harder to hack, and my monthly bill is $9.00 for internet access. Most others are paying 2 and 3 times more EVERY MONTH. Just so you can load hacks commercials and spam into your CPU faster? Cell phone- we own only one. Our primary phone is an old 'wall phone'. The price per month, even with a long distance call, is about $20.00 a month. (3 times cheaper than that damn cell phone with it's 'contractual commitment'). As for Cable TV with sexy High Definition nonsense-we get only the minimum package. Nowdays all our electronics are being determined FOR us, not BY us. Try to buy an old wall phone anywhere today, a Modem or even a simple typewriter. You can't. They love that, too.$$$$$
We can blame governments all we want and we usually do, but bottom line-American Citizens themselves need to tell these elected officials what WE want. Instead of sitting back and just letting them shovel more cr*p down our throats. If they can't listen, then they can't be an official anymore. It is up to us each, my fellow americans. the way we spend our money is our actual power that moves any of them. Spend intelligently, and make sure they do the same.
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