Longhorn7 said;
"...why should a character smoking a cigarette be more harmful to a teenager than showing a person ending another person's life? the balance is thrown off here and it is disgusting to me. smokers are becoming the new scapegoats for everything in america the "land of the free". all they are to people is a new group to hate that cannot fight back like minorities can..."
This is truth. You don't generally hear smokers standing up for their personal choice against this stuff, because smokers are the new witch hunt victims. To announce publically that you smoke is not like annoucing your political affiliation, religion or sexual preference- people with their assinine "political correctness religion" will actively throw stones at you, deny you access somewhere and deny you a job. Nope-NEVER let anyone know you smoke! Funny thing is, this is exactly how Jewish neighbors got turned in to the gestapo 70 years ago-not by laws (at first) but by what was accepted for political correctness.
the arguement FOR smokers (who dare not announce themselves) IT AIN'T ILLEGAL-yet, so don't go vigilante-mob-mentality against any you see/hear/smell doing the smoking. Then YOU are the actual criminal.
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