Yet another Austrailian TV figurehead has passed away in a terrible accident this week. Peter Brock, a racing legend in Austrailia, died in a racing accident when his car hit a tree in the middle of a touring race outside of Gidgegannup. More information on the accident can be found here.
Brock's death will be mourned for many years to come as he was a prominent spokesman for road safety which is said by federal Opposition Leader Kim Beazley to have "had a significant influence on all Austrailians." More information on Mr. Beazley's comments can be found here.
The reason for my "(2 out of 3)" comment in the title of this blog is because it's believed that celebrities die in groups of 3's. Although I hope it isn't true, it seems to be a pattern that's persisted through the years. In this case, Steve Irwin died not a week ago and now Peter Brock has followed him to the grave. Hopefully, the "legend" of sorts isn't true and no other celebrities are harmed :?
On brighter news, I levelled up and I'm a "Flicky" for a day seeing as how most people skip over Level 18 within a day. Anyway, stay safe and everyone have a nice weekend :)
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