I was bored and I needed a new blog post so:
My top 5 favorite FF's starting from the 5th! And they are:
5) Final Fantasy IX - This game barely made my list because although it went back to the "fantasy" part of Final Fantasy, it still wasn't that great of a game. The graphics were relatively good for its time - better than some, worse than a few. The sound quality also wasn't that bad but there was no voice acting. Now that I think of it, this was the last Final Fantasy with no voice acting and it was also the last Final Fantasy where you could explore the entire world instead following a linear path *clears throat* Final Fantasy X *cough* (you can actually explore the entire world in FFXI but I don't really count that as a FF) The story itself was really good, the developers have never had a problem with the storyline of a Final Fantasy game but a game' storyline can't make or break a game - at least not for me. Anyway, those are my reasons - disagree with me if you want but I gave it the credit it deserves by putting it on my top 5.
4) Final Fantasy X - This game was good, but it definitely wasn't in my top 3 for the series. As I said before, it was way too linear at times and it was the first game in the series where you couldn't explore the full map. To me, not being able to explore the map was a big change from the other Final Fantasy games and I really didn't like it at first. Of course it grew on me like a Final Fantasy fungus and I enjoyed the game to it's fullest (100% completion) but it still didn't grab me as much as my top 3 games.
3) Final Fantasy III (US release on the SNES) - Also known as Final Fantasty VI to people who bought the Final Fantasy Anthology package. This game is wonderful. The multitude of characters and their diversity really intrigued me, along with the lack of a "main" character. Of course there are Terra and Locke who seem to be the main characters but usually there's only one and I really liked that. Of course, the game has it's flaws. The sound on the original wasn't very awe inspiring (probably because it was working on dated sound technology) and there was a lack of side quests IMO. A counter point to both of those would be that the artwork for the game was astounding for its time and the storyline was amazing. This game is great and you're missing out if you've never played it.
2) Final Fantasy VII - This game is on everyone's top 5 list for the Final Fantasy series and a lot of people's top 5 list for games in general. Now, just because this game is in the #2 spot doesn't mean that I don't love it. This game is absolutely amazing and I truly loved every minute of playtime. The only thing that I didn't enjoy about it was that it wasn't really "fantasy" per se. I know, I know, bad reason to knock it to #2 but it's true. Although there's magic, monsters, and wicked beasts that are summoned from a world beyond, the story seemed like it was more of a corporate bashing and tree hugging thing than it did a fantasy story from a land far away. Now, maybe that's why some people enjoyed this game more than other Final Fantasy's, and I agree with that perspective but it still didn't draw me in as much as my top pick.
1) Final Fantasy II (US release for SNES) - This game is also known as Final Fantasy IV in the Final Fantasy Chronicles package where it was paired with the classic and stellar, Chrono Trigger. This game made my #1 pick because it was the very first Final Fantasy I ever played and I still play it at least twice a year. Although the re-release makes Cecil (the main character) look like he regrets his decision to be a dark knight - in the original, Cecil likes being a dark knight and he was much... well... darker. Although the sound and the graphics aren't the best nowadays, they were back then when everything was simpler and a helluva lot more fun and the story is simply wonderful. Almost everything about this game screams great RPG from the damp caves to the castles and riding a spaceship that looks like a fish to the moon...? Anyway, everything from the original was a lot better than the re-release IMO, so if you happen to find an original SNES copy - definitely pick it up. That is if you still have your SNES :P
That was really long so I hope you all enjoyed it. Let me know what you think and what you agree or disagree with.
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