name a game specificly that this has happened to you in. Ive played KZ2 and Resistance 2 for hundreds of hours and have never gotten any offensive messages from angry poeple, just messages that say something like "gg". But than again, I am highly ranked, maybe it only happens to noobs.
lol, a tad sure of yourself maybe? "Im so highly ranked that people wouldnt DARE message me with anything close to a threat" Pfft. Ive been abused on COD4, and KZ2. Maybe if you got beaten, you would be the kind to do the abusing judging by your supoeriority complex up there :P
Lol, its out of 10, i gave him a 5 because he has some great games yeah, but there are outstanding games he still doesnt own. (I personally think so anyway) Then again, gaming is all about personal opinion, so hopefully to him, his collection is a 10 :D if not, then it defeats the purpose of gaming
why does it stink? :( did you spill some milk on it then leave it for a few weeks? Are there eggs in your system that have broken and you havent cleaned it out yet? maybe you tiried to pur some prawns from last xmas into the disc drive?
a timed exclusive? wheres your source for this info?
same where is this info link?
All you have to do is look at the history of the series.
lol so? plenty of games have broken traditions like final fantasy and mgs. just because all the others have been ported, does not mean this one will be. I think your putting too much faith in unconstant anomaly called repetition.
ooo how about this one. In the custom build screen, where you make your own classes, you choose 3 perks, when you get to a 7 kill streak, these perks become active until you die. Meaning you could have 6 perks active at once. Think of the combinations! They could call it something like"rage" (pretty cliche) or "Hero's Blood" or something, that would be pretty sweet.
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