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maverick_76 Blog

New game that I bought

Well yesterday while I was working at blockbuster I noticed that like all the games that we have that are a year old or more went on sale, 25%-75% off. Two games caught my interest, Gran Turismo for $19.99 ($39.99 at and All Pro Football 2K8 for $4.99 (lowest I saw it for was $11.99 at some obscure site from a list at Well as you can see these are some monster deals and both these games wern't good enough to warrant a full price purchase but definitely 50% off or more. Well I decided to buy APF 2K8, it was only $5!!! And after playing for several hours last night I can say that I would buy it again for $20. Anyone who has played NFL 2K5 knows how well 2K games makes a football simulator, and this is no different. Animations are tight and fluid, speed and movement are spot on, game is just right in difficulty and there are only two nits that I could pick, but they are big ones: No NFL lisence and there is no franchise mode along with some other missing single-player modes. Again, why I would pay $20 but not $60 or whatever the price this game cost when it came out. If you are looking for some other great deals head over to your local Blockbuster and see if they are having the same sale that mine is having (I also saw Condemned 2 for $14.99!!!!!). I'm still thinking about getting GT5 Prologue, but I'm weighing whether or not I feel that it is worth $20.

Ok guys on another note I finally actually played and beat Killzone 2! On the second hardest difficulty, and now I am ready to sink my teeth into the multiplayer. Anyone that wants to play just send me a message cause I'm ready to kill some ISA dogs! LOL, well I think that just about wraps up what I have been doing games-wise for the past week or so, check y'all later, peace!

Assassin's Creed 2 is coming!!!!!

Ok so I jumped onto GameSpot and in the advertisement spot I noticed that there was an ad that was showing a Leonardo Davinci drawing with some other things around it as well. Then I saw the word Animus....OMG!!!!! I click on the link and yes, it is true! Looks like the new setting for Assassin's Creed is during the Renaissance, probably somwhere around Italy because that is where Davinci lived. I don't know about you guys but I am stoked to get this game and cannot wait to see where the storty will go from here. Tell me what you think about the teaser, looks awesome to me.

I beat Assassin's Creed

So I finally finished up Assassin's Creed last night, and man the ending was so awesome! I won't spoil it for anyone but it definitely leaves an opening for not one but several sequels in the series, and I can't wait. I will probably post a review at some point so be on the lookout if you are still on the fence about buying this game (not likely because it has been out for like ever now, lol). Other than that I will probably start on either Killzone 2 or GTA IV, I am only like 5% done with the story in GTA IV so I need to get my butt in gear and play that as well. Anywho, you should see my review up by this weekend so I hope you enjoy reading it. Have a wonderful week guys!

Update on MGS IV review

After being informed that the information that I provided for length of cut-scenes was inacurate, I took a closer look at the actual times, and I was wrong initially on the guesstimation that total cut-scene time was around three hours. Apparently my perception of time was wrong because the actual cutscene times were around eight hours. I edited my review to reflect this new information and am updating you here as well. My first response was from what I felt the amount of time the game had me watching instead of playing, but I guess time flied a little faster than I thought. So in actuality the playtime in the game that I registered was around 12 hours with about 8 hours of cut-scenes, so a good clip of going through the game for the first time will take you around 20 hours if watch every thing you can. Hopefully this clears up any confusion of your time spent watching compared to mine. I light of this, comment on how long you felt the cut-scenes were, because to me they did feel like about three hours but I guess that is a testament to the compelling nature of the game since for me at least I lost my perception of actual time spent watching.

On another note I finished up Killzone the original game and will have a review up within a few days. Have a good weekend everybody!

I beat MGS IV last night!

Well I finished the entire series and all I have to say is awesome, that is the only word to describe the story. And the gameplay as well. Anyone that has not experienced this game needs to do it now. Also if anyone still has questions about the cutscenes in the game the longest one was about 30 minutes. On average they were about 5-15 minutes and the actual gameplay was about 12 hours, with probably 3 hours worth of cutscenes. So for anyone that questions that for every minute you spend playing the game you watch 2 minutes of cutscene/codec sequences is sorely mistaken. The ways in which you can play the game is astounding, and you really do get a top notch (if slightly convoluted) story. I will be posting a review soon so be on the lookout for that, and right now I am playing the first Killzone, only two levels in so far. My first impression is the game is alright with a good story, but the game does need some polish. I will of course post a review of this as well down the road at some point.

Very disappointed in RE5

After playing the demo and reading and watching Gamespot's review I am wholly disappointed in Resident Evil 5. I still remember watching the first clips for the game when the 360 and PS3 first came out and thought, "This is gonna be awesome!" I would think about what Capcom could do with the new computing power of the next gen systems to imporve visuals and gameplay to make it feel like you are experiencing a zombie-virus outbreak in real life. I remember thinking that we will be able to experience a nerve-wracking, heart-stopping thrill ride that could compare with movies like 28 Days Later or the new movie Quarantine.What came out was not anything new and totally underwhelming.

There are a few glaring flaws that I noticed with the game that take any immersion away and just make you feel like you are playing a graphically updated RE4. Firstly is the atrocious combat system. I mean is there not enough computing power in the PS3 or 360 that could allow us to shoot while moving? This is inexcusable. And to counter that is the woeful zombies themselves. Slow, predictable, meat bags that seem to want to run right at you and die. Where is the instinct to llive? If these animals can communicate then there is the instinct to hunt, survive, wait to strike when the time is right. I was expecting a zombie similar to the 28 days later zombies, playing dead, fast as a normal human and fierce. This would counter the move and shoot mechanic beautifully if the zombies were as fast as you and could pile on you in groups. And make the game more unforgiving with one hit deaths, because one bite can apparently infect you. Close combat would be intense and rightfully avoided, and even seeing a zombie would send chills down your spine. Make the game more atmospheric, with really scary music and lots of dark, dank places that evil could hide. Remove the huge monsters and use only zombies, that would be enough to scare the bejeezus out of anyone. Also it would have been cool if the zombies could conceal themselves, acting as a normal human until you tried to talk to them that is. Imagine the first scene where you come to the village where the deal is supposed to happen and out of nowhere, the infected appear. Panic erupts, women, children running for their lives, you can't tell who is infected or not, chaos. That is chilling for me. You would be forced to run like hell, not stand and shoot. Also make the weapons more scarce, ammo almost as valuable as gold, basically the old resident evil games with crazy ass infected and a modern control scheme and I would totally play that game. I miss having to check my underwear after playing resident evil, now I feel like I'm playing another generic action game with dumber enemies that don't use cover with on-rails shooting that totally destroys the horror and makes me feel superhuman, not a normal man all by-himself that has to run to live. Sorry to anyone that likes the game but doesn't that sound like a better survival horror game? Please comment and tell me what you think.

I will be starting on MGS IV sometime this week

Even though I bought the game on launch day I still have not enjoyed the campaign! I want to play the game and finally finish Snake's story so I think after I finish up my season on ESPN NFL 2K5 I will embark on it. The reason I have not up to this point as many of you may know is that I was trying to complete the first three MGS games in order to refresh my mind on the story and what had happened up to that point. So after finishing the first three I am ready to get into the story of IV! After that I ordered the original Killzone and want to get the story up to that point then I will continue onto the story of Killzone 2. Expect reviews of each after I finish them. Anyone else played or beaten MGS IV or KZ 2 yet? Share your thoughts, no spoilers though, please.

So I got to play Killzone 2 yesterday....

And it was awesome! I work part time at Blockbuster and we just got the rental copies in and I threw it in our Blu-Ray display which is a PS3 hooked up to a HDTV. Man I have to say that everything about the game is sweet! The movement feels real, the guns are heavy and satisfying and the graphics are as good as they look in the videos. Man I asked my manager if I could pre-street rent the game but I think I can't, man.........I guess I can download the demo on Thursday and possibly rent the game on Friday because I am broke until I get my tax return, maybe then i can get it. Anyone else played the demo yet or goten a chance to play the retail copy? I would love to hear your experiences!