@slonekb05 What I like now is morphing and other visual glitches are greatly toned down. Also weight and momentum really seem to matter, after playing the demo I can say that you can't play with a LB like he is a center fielder anymore. Receivers also have to break down before cuts, a lot has changed that makes me think that this game is better than APF and 2K5.
The only gripe I had with FC2 was the fact that outposts that you cleared didn't stay cleared. To me it made it pointless to clear the checkpoints and roadblocks if they re-spawned the enemy soldiers every damn day. Other than that I really liked the game, just got frustrated by that though.
Trailers that misrepresent the product are the worst. After watching the Halo "Believe" trailer I was so psyched to play that game thinking that the 360 would allow lots of units on screen and epic battles. Oh how disappointed was I when I played it the first time, nothing like the trailer at all. This extends beyond just games though, movies & food (triple steak burrito anyone?) are all guilty of this crap.
maverick_76's comments