A great year for games indeed. In fact there have almost been too many great games, I'm having trouble buying all the games that I feel are worth a purchase!
Yeah I need to get a better PC. I still have a 2.8 GHZ P4 with only 512 mb RAM. And a GForce 5600 (I think, can't recall exactly) with only 128 mb memory. Been waiting for Windows 7, now I don't have an excuse, lol.
Moral choices in video games is just another step in making games that much more fun and engaging to play. I think a great place to have moral choices and decisions would be sports games. Think about it, you are the manager/coach of a pro team and you can try and encourage players to take performance enhancing drugs, if a player is arrested, do you bail him out of jail so he can play in this week's game? Or if you know the guy you just signed has a history of destroying teams with horrible chemistry, do you take the chance because of his innate physical gifts? But IMO, the only way to make these things have great impact is to have consequences that mimic real life situations, fines, suspensions & bans are all ways of making the decision more complex and exhilarating when you do it. Also you can do this for if you play a position in the sport itself. Imagine in MLB 09 The Show that you can pay money to get some stuff to help boost your stats? The consequence could be the same as it is in the real world, three strikes and your out. This is a fascinating subject and I hope games do trend this way in the future.
@Fastnova00007 I think we have already seen that the PS3 has better than this, Uncharted 2 makes this game look like a joke. I think it is not a matter of programmers needing to learn the PS3 better, it is a matter of time. These guys are under pressure to produce games fast and efficiently, so they skimp on the PS3 because it is easier to program for the PC, port it to the 360 which has the exact same architecture as a PC and then slap together a serviceable PS3 version. I shouldn't say slap together because they do spend time on it, but you get my drift, right?
From what i saw, only one screenshot looked better on the PS3. I have noticed that on multiplat releases that the PS3 has usually the worse looking images because of the difference in it's hardware. The 360 is basically a stripped down PC so tweaking settings for that is much easier than trying to do so with the PS3. But we all know that the PS3 is capable of producing better graphics, all you have to do is look at Uncharted 2, Killzone 2 and MLB 09 The Show to see that.
maverick_76's comments