[QUOTE="lukeymonw"][QUOTE="battlefront23"][QUOTE="Bombed420"]Thats why are society today is horrible.... liberals have ruined something we call MORALITY and are telling us do whatever you wnat whenever you want and how you want. Basically from what your saying nobody gives a crap about murder, rape, child melesters, thieves, and druggies Are you serious? That is not at all what he said. He is saying that the world evolves and with that society adapts to it's new surroundings. For instance how many polygamous couples do you know? I am sure you can find numerous in the bible. However your ability to interpret information is called into question based on your post above. There is a huge chunk of the population that has gotten sick of your "moral majority" and a preset code of conduct laid out by people who think they know best. Those people decide for themselves what is right and wrong against the persecution from those out there like yourselves. And in case you didn't know Murder, rape, theives, and druggies have been around way longer then video games with bad words in them. I am sure child molestation has been around for centuries also, but it has become more of a social issue lately what with all those priests molesting their altar boys. UH OH! Those are catholic priests and yeah I agree theyre many people of my religion that are hypocritical and do stuff they shouldnt be doing. Im just saying what these people are doing is wrong... The whole myth "what is right for you might not be right for you' is so bologna. And maxxorz I knwo plenty about politics. You know how Al Gore says global warming is coming and also says dont use electricity his house uses 20x the amount of electricity of a normal house. And he is a liberal...God damn christians. So if you swear you dont have morals, I call **** on your rant. Swearing isnt a big deal anymore except to reliqious people. Who cares if somone actually swears. Sure 40 years ago swearing was like a sin but if you ever payed attention you would understand that society today isnt even close to the same as it once was. Your targeting swearing from 40 years back, 1000 years back humans were killing eachother with swords so should we revert back to that way too?
Society changes each day its only over a decade or so can you even understand the impact. 15 years ago a movie was determined pg 13 or R due partly to langauge. Now how many pg 13 movies are there with numerous swears in them and its still thought to be watchable by 13 and up? You know why??? becuase nobody gives a ****
SO you watch FOX news? good for you.
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