i agree about locking the thread, but one thing.... if they are "lost" and its a "choice", then how come a LOT of animals are homosexual? and i thought in the bible they say that animals have no free will?
I never said you were racist. I was making comparisons to other possible scenarios. hence the "It is like saying..."
Anyway, I also never said you said it was evil, I said there is no need to go around saying that it's wrong, because it's just the way people are. You can't just SAY something is wrong in regards to other people, because who are you to tell a homosexual that they're doing something wrong? Just like how I am no one to tell you that your faith is wrong. I might not like it, but I'm not gonna say "hey, you! BE AN ATHEIST because what you're doing is WRONG!"
i found a free minute here so i decided to see if this was still going on lol... and apparently it is.
the point about homosexuality is, that there is nothing wrong with it. that just the way some people are. don't go telling them that it is " a sin" or that its wrong, its the way they are. its like you telling me being an Atheist is wrong, or me telling you that being a Christian is wrong. or that being white or black is wrong. It's not. It's who people are.
Hinduism has text's that are over 500 years older than anything from Judio-Christian nonsense.
Anyway, this topic has gotten quite off topic and way out of hand. As an Atheist, I just wanna say "suck it up, don't listen to it, mute it, mute them, or don't play it." Be MATURE, and don't complain about mere words. why care so much when someone drops an F-bomb? the F-bomb is my favorite word in the english language. i frequently use it as a universal noun/verb/adverb.
anyway, enough of this. I have better things to do right now.
The way I see it, christians have no right to talk, they're hipocrites by nature of their religion, god derived from el, who was one of many gods of babylonian paganism, yet, not paganism is evil? makes no sense. I also loved the way the "Holy Crusaders" slaughter so many in the name of "god" with, of all things, upside down crosses. God bless america, but not the rest of the world? Jesus loves the little children? But what about the adults?
wow buddy you knwo nothing about Christianity he did not come from el God came before any Gods and the first religious book eveer made was Genesis. So yeah youre wrong
no, YOU'RE wrong. there are MANY religious texts from all over that are FAR OLDER than Genesis.
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