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#1 mazdero
Member since 2002 • 1754 Posts


I don't know what all the complaints are about, the game is looking awesome. Vanquish was great, bayonetta was not so great, but with Kojima over looking, this game will be epic.


I don't know. Its been looking pretty disappointing to me. The new trailer was such a huge step backwards from the original trailers of Rising. And the fact is that Platinum Games has never excelled at the type of game that Metal Gear Solid is supposed to be. All things considered , I can see why so many people are disappointed with Rising. But then again, Rising is just a spin off title, so who really cares anyways.

^having said all that...who knows...the game could end up surprising me. I should try and be a little more optimistic. I'm.being a little too harsh

Yeah, you're being a bit too harsh. You have to stop looking at it as an MGS game,It isn't. I think they changed the title for that very reason. Its an action game spin off of a character from the universe. Also, from watching the old gameplay vids and the new ones, the only thing I see different is the "slice anywhere" mechanic. The new trailers actually look more frenetic and more fun. I think the game would have been too slow with the old mechanic since it would have to slow down the game every time you wanted to slice.. They were going for an action game after all, and thats what platinum is giving us.

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#2 mazdero
Member since 2002 • 1754 Posts

you guys see this video?

It can't be gow 4 like the video suggests but what is it?

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#3 mazdero
Member since 2002 • 1754 Posts

I don't know what all the complaints are about, the game is looking awesome. Vanquish was great, bayonetta was not so great, but with Kojima over looking, this game will be epic.

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#4 mazdero
Member since 2002 • 1754 Posts

Twisted Metal, Darksiders II, Transformers fall of cybertron,metal gear revengeance

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#5 mazdero
Member since 2002 • 1754 Posts

LOL its hermits we are talking about they b**** and complain about console users talking about graphics and how superior they are...yet its all they talk about and its their only trump card the pc offers only graphics it offers no gameplay thats better on consoles.
and thats what matters...gameplay.


uh, you ever try playing an RTS on a console? RTS on PC is far superior. I am primarily a console player, but there are things that can't be denied.

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#7 mazdero
Member since 2002 • 1754 Posts


But what if they are low life losers? you don't know them personally. Just because they are standing up for something(by performing illegal actions btw) now doesn't mean all their past transgressions are forgiven. I don't condone illegal activities to get a point across, no one should.


Thankfully not all the world thinks like you, otherwise we'd still be stuck in the eleventh century.

Thankfully not everyone has problems understanding things or else we'd not progress as a people. So you're telling me its ok to steal innocent peoples information and put it out there because a company backs a bull crap law? how does that hurt that company? seriously, you need your head examined.

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#8 mazdero
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That you shouldn't just call them "no life losers". They're standing for something serious right now despite all the bs they have done earlier. SOPA is a bigger threat to gaming than Sony shutting down.


But what if they are low life losers? you don't know them personally. Just because they are standing up for something(by performing illegal actions btw) now doesn't mean all their past transgressions are forgiven. I don't condone illegal activities to get a point across, no one should.

That's what the americans did in the 18th century against the british right? Or more recently the arab spring? You people are the reason why we give away more and more of our rights as citizens and do absolutely nothing about it. I am glad that there are people still around that fight for a just cause in whatever way they can.

Did you really compare the oppression of an entire country to this? Who is being killed over this? Do you believe Sony is an actual person? Sony is a company made up of many people, and those at the bottom are the ones that suffer when they get layed off cause of crap like this. People like you and anon are the reason companies come up with crap like SOPA. An attack by some hackers only reinforces the argument for SOPA as far as these companies are concerned. it is not the way to fight it. Attacks like these only hurt innocent people. I am all for fighting this stupid act, I fail to see how hacking innocent peoples information and putting it out there helps fight it. You need to think further than 2 feet from your face.

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#9 mazdero
Member since 2002 • 1754 Posts


Okay, so in all seriousness, what was your original point?


That you shouldn't just call them "no life losers". They're standing for something serious right now despite all the bs they have done earlier. SOPA is a bigger threat to gaming than Sony shutting down.

But what if they are low life losers? you don't know them personally. Just because they are standing up for something(by performing illegal actions btw) now doesn't mean all their past transgressions are forgiven. I don't condone illegal activities to get a point across, no one should.

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#10 mazdero
Member since 2002 • 1754 Posts

Dead Space