This is my most anticipaed JRPG ( or any game for that matter) this year. I absolutely love the tales series and i think this is going to be the best. I love how the story is similar to V for Vendetta ( a rebel trying to ovethrow the government no matter what) since that movie is one of my favorite ever. But i really hope they aim for an older crowd if they want to capture taht sam e feeling of heroicness ans sacrifice that the movie implemented so well.
maziso2's forum posts
Has anyone noticed there is an EXTREME lack of SRPGS on consoles this generation? I mean, all the good ones have gone to portables ( thnk got i got a psp for war of the lions and jeanne d arc). tHe only good console srpg i can think of right now would be disgaea 3 and valkyria...buts thats only for ps3 and am a 360 owner. Thers spectral soul 3 coming out...but it doesnt look very promising.
Thank god were getting some amazing JRPGS though
everyone should kno this by now, but PSP is better than ds. not only can i listen to music and watch movies on my psp (can't do that on ds, which stands for DIGITAL SUCK) but i get awesome games to go along with it. let us compare titles
Tekken, AAA, best fighting game. better than SC, DOA, VF, SSB and EVERYTHING and i get it on the go
Daxter, AAA, spinoff of awesome series which also makes an awesome game with some mature themes too and i like those
patapon, AAA, dont have this game but i heard its awesome like a sack of potatoes
burnout legends, AAA, come's frickin BURNOUT! what's not 2 love?
and then u got lumines and MGS, both AAA and both the best games of their genre on any handheld system EVER.
now i did say let's compare so let's compare.
mario kart, AAA, lol a mario spinoff. people play these games? seriuosly, if i wanna play mario, ill play some super mario sunshine (best mario game ever)
yoshi's island, AAA, you get to play as BABIES (as if nintendon't couldn't get more kiddy!)
nintendogs, AAA, LOLOLOLOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
the world ends with you, AAA, square enix brings more games about "feelings" to anime fans :lol:
professor layton, AAA, this game reminds me of a cartoon i used to watch when i was 3
the legend of zelda PH, AAA, in an attempt to ripoff mario's storyline (save the princess:lol:) zelda ultimately fails by having the player play a KID (kidtendo)
and finally, new supermario bros DS, AAA, game was all right, i'd only give it a 6.0 though.
so there you have it. psp is better than ds
Was it Tin Tin?
This game is made by the guy who created the original Devil May Cry, directed Resident Evil 2, Viewtiful Joe AND Okami, lol the guy is a genius. I am absolutely positive it will be a kickass game.
EDIT: Forgot to mention Shinyi Mikami the creator of Resident Evil 4 ( one of the greatest games of all time) is involved in the development of this title as well. This game couldnt have a greater pedigree.
All i can say is this: THE GRAPHICS BETTER BE F****** BADASS
[QUOTE="Chutebox"]Too bad gameplay is the most important part[QUOTE="Toriko42"][QUOTE="Chutebox"]That review states the obvious. The only thing NG has over GoW series is gameplay. GoW exceeds it in every other way.II_Seraphim_II
Most important, but the "everything else" makes up for it.
yeah people seem to living in a bubble where gameplay is the only thing that matters.
Its like saying the ability to draw is the only thing that matters in art. Thats simply not true. While the ability to draw is very important, maybe even the most important, the ability to select a subject, light the subject appropriately, to interpret the subject and so on are also very important, and at the end of the day, its better to have a decent drawer who can do all the other parts exceptionally well, than a masterful artist, who does a crappy job of all the other parts.
I have seen people draw life like drawings of people, animals, objects that were technically correct, but where a pain to look at because they had no life. Same goes for NG2. They nailed the gameplay down, but everything suffered as a result. So at the end, games which balance all the elements end up being better.
lol thats a pretty bad analogy, no offense though. I do agree with you in that while gameplay is definitely very important, the other aspects ( such as graphics, sound, story etc.) when combined matter equally.
Now let me tell you a good analogy based on what you were trying to say:
Lets say we have 2 soccer teams playing against each other. One team has an extremely good player , but the rest of the team is just mediocre at best. Now the second team while it doesnt have an outstanding player , has a really balanced team which means it will definitely win. You cant rely on one amazing player to win the match when the rest of the team is mediocre and not up to par.
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