@itchyflop: Only replying to this comment to state that yes I do own a Switch. Bought it day one. XC2 is probably the best game on the system and I am currently replaying Bayonetta 1 in portable mode.
@itchyflop: lol, I was never talking about Nintendo. My problem was with you inaccurately targeting Microsoft for something they didn't start. That Uncharted 2 video is also just a guy editing three screens together. Not sure why you linked it.
@Thanatos2k: You realize that applies to you too right? It's obvious kids aren't buying the Switch and that's why they came out with the Labo. Kids still won't care and they'll still heavily be on the ipad/phone devices.
@itchyflop: lol no. If you're doing local multiplayer, you can create dummy accounts that don't even connect to Xbox Live. Those cost nothing and if you wanted to do online Xbox you can have them sign in as a guest, this worked for all their first party games so you only needed one gold sub.
Yeah you didn't pay for PS3 online and you got what you paid for. Service would drop randomly late at night. People could do all kinds of malicious shit like freeze your console. Lack of features like no party chat. That massive hack that resulted in PSN being down for two months.
Nintendo doesn't charge for online period yet but who knows how that will work with split-screen once it gets instated later this year.
@itchyflop: I was talking about the actual companies. MS doesn't control what third parties do. They can't force Capcom to put split-screen multiplayer in.
All MS's first party titles that had multiplayer offered split-screen. (Minus Crackdown, just remembered that. All the following do: Halos, Gears of Wars, Forzas, Fables, Viva Pinatas, Perfect Dark)
Not all Sony first party titles that had multiplayer offered split-screen. (SOCOM CONFRONTATION, MAG, Uncharted 2, The Last of Us, Killzone 2, Killzone 3 [only had campaign co-op], God of War: Ascension, White Knight Chronicles, DC Universe, WarHawk [only on servers that allow split-screen] and probably some other games that I don't play.)
@Thanatos2k: That's their targeted demographic like how My Little Pony targets little girls. Doesn't mean that makes up the bulk of the fanbase.
I've rarely ever seen children with 3DS's and at any Nintendo event I see like 90% adults there. I mean if this was two or more gens again you would see a 50/50 split with parents taking their children for the children but now those children have grown up and they're the ones still buying the games and hardware based of the nostalgia of the older games and consoles.
The younger kids grew up with 360's and PS3's. They have no use for Nintendo. They didn't experience stuff from the N64 era and back.
I recently bought a HORI FPS Plus controller because my old DS4 crapped out and it's a so much better controller. The curvature of the DS4 grips were not made for people with bigger hands than the average Asian. I noticed after a ten hour marathon of using a DS4 that my palm was starting to hurt.
While the DS4 R2/L2 triggers are better than the PS3's DS3's triggers, they're not as good as the buttons on the PS2/PSX DualShocks.
I also didn't like how long the middle piece was on the DS4, it always just felt a little off having my hands that far apart.
The HORI fixed all that. It uses a shape similar to the Xbox controllers/Nintendo Pro controllers, it returns the triggers to being buttons similar to the early PlayStation controllers. It's also about the size of a normal controller.
The only downside is that HORI already stopped selling these. You can find them in some places for as cheap as $40 but they can go as high as $60. As time goes on they'll only get more expensive.
They have revisions 3/4 but 3 reverts the sticks to the PlayStation controller layout which I don't mind one way or the other but both versions have these weird areas around the button area that pop out which I don't like at all. The vanilla Pro has a consistently smooth face on the shell.
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