"While replacing Depp in the movie might have been troublesome, it certainly wouldn't be impossible."
While this is true, you can't follow this up with a completely different scenario as a comparison. The movie Spacey is being replaced in isn't a sequel to anything and he isn't even the main star. A better example would have been a movie like The Matrix or Charmed where they had reasons in the medium for why they changed people. (Why they actually changed them was because one actress died (Gloria Foster, RIP) and the other (Shannen Doherty) was a massive ****.)
As this is a movie about magic, they could have easily made up reasons for why he looks different but being the main star I assume Depp basically is the film.
"They include little nods to other game series such as Zone of the Enders and Mortal Kombat"
lol no. They have cameos from games made by their company, nothing from any western developers. Like Oscar have you played any of the games those characters are from? Have you played Mortal Kombat? HAVE YOU PLAYED ANY GAMES AT ALL!?
@Raidendude153: Keeps the Xbox brand in the news and plenty of people will want to either upgrade their old console (like me, sitting on a Day One Edition still) or maybe they're a different platform user and want to try out Xbox and 4K.
Plenty of people will also buy things before and after Black Friday for Christmas. New hardware releases around this time probably always get optimal sales.
@RyanSaotome: Black people can be of Irish heritage.
I do think it's funny though that after the Hellboy debacle that someone pointed out it's always the red headed white girl characters being recasted as black woman. We have to get to the bottom of this conspiracy guys.
@uubershikamarux: I would say "that would be pretty fly" just for the pun but I have to point out that he was already made white once in the 80's cartoon.
@wexorian: It's hard to say, the VR market is in a pretty ****ed state. Deving for it costs so much that if VR games out now didn't have that gimmick attached then they would probably cost about $5-10 but because they have to try and make back costs most of the stuff that I see on Steam goes for $20 or more which in turn gets them less sales back. Making a VR game today is essentially a very creative way of digging yourself a hole.
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