@superklyph: It's glow in the dark and comes with DLC. While digital content technically costs them nothing to sell, they could argue value on their end. Then the glow in the dark stuff is obviously an additional cost factor that no one could argue against.
Also just look at actual facts: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution_Championship_Series You might ask "what about CvS!?" well those are completely different from the modern fast paced VS tag games of today.
@chillingnaire: I'm what you would call an Xbot but it would really be a fools errand to believe the top Fighting Game Community players don't mostly play on the PS4. Xbox One's have/had problems being left on for too long. PS4 was more stable for long term use and more of them are out there so people having spares available for tournaments is a non-issue.
@thedud3abides: FYI, Monster Hunter Frontier came out on the Xbox 360 shortly after Tri came out on the Wii. Monster Hunter is less of an exclusive to Nintendo than Rise of the Tomb Raider is to the Xbox One.
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