I have mixed emotions as BLL was perfect as-is. Even though a part of me wished it would continue, Kidman had such an amazingly phenomenal performance, I feel sorry that Reese had the spotlight taken from her but I loved her portrayal of her character too but simply couldn't compete. The rest of the cast was also great.
I hope the new season is good. HBO has had a good track record for their shows as of late so they probably won't let me down.
@leblnk: After a while though it will be what is the point? You'll intentionally be playing bad just for immersion? I refrained from mentioning Monster Hunter but I guess I will now. Capcom added the Nergigante to their final World beta which was supposed to be an incredibly hard hunt... For average players at least. Most people probably needed multiple attempts at the creature but it took a veteran player three minutes on one of their runs to beat it on the first day of its release. Monster Hunter was able to secure its audience and continue being a franchise all this time, this is a new IP and I doubt it would have been able to do the same thing.
That all said, you have the following things to consider: 1. This could very well have an offline mode or the ability to set up private matches with you and a friend so you don't have to worry about other teams. 2. The devs probably play tested the game a great amount before deciding on PvEvP. 3. The game could change over time. 4. Worthwhile AI is much harder to make than people know.
@brightamethyst: Just as it pertains to Minecraft, no one needs Sony. It's a top selling game on all platforms and the the PC combined with Xbox numbers probably outweigh the PS4 version. Even outside of Minecraft, no one still needs Sony. If you actually look up player count stats for AAA major games (Battlefield for example) you'll see the PS4 has maybe a couple thousand more players than the Xbox One version. Xbox One version has a few thousand of its own players so people can go their entire time playing Battlefield at its peak and never run in to the same player twice.
I agree with your sentiments that it would be nice if all games had cross-play. Maybe one day.
@skyhighgam3r: Would a pure AI experience really have been better? The skill needed for any particular hunt would immensely decrease after a few goes and you learn how to exploit the system.
@clay544888: lmao, how am I the millennial when you're the one super stoked on VR grandpa? You also can't criticize my English when you immediately follow that statement up by starting a sentence with "and". Don't worry, I'm not jealous over the fact you wasted a lot of money just to play tech demos and destroy your eyes.
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