@jenilya: I don't mind that they did BR and in fact did it even better than the people they copied but I'm a little pissed about how BR has taken over the game and its related communities. I bought the game for the original PVE and now it's hard to find people to do PVE specific stuff with.
@7tizz: Featured heavily on the PlayStation Store like several times. You go to boot it up to check what new games came out or what's on sale and there is a giant interactive ad playing first thing.
@drysprocket: Almost 400 matches and never experienced this and I'm always spamming emotes and stuff right as the bus countdown starts. They need to fix the random disconnects, happened to me today. Went to my brothers room to see the match play out as we were in the same party and then some time later one of the randoms just dropped, I assume the same reason as me.
Best order is Funi dub (or sub) for DBZ. Then watch Dragon Ball (again sub or dub). Skip GT completely and then watch the two new movies and then Super.
You get the action first, then the comedy and then you get both combined.
They were a great back up when I wanted to make sure I got my Wii U Deluxe on launch day as they're ten minutes from my moms house. I'd just go visit her, hangout, take a power nap and then wake up at the early AM's to walk over there and wait in line. I've been more careful about preordering consoles though so I doubt I will ever need to do that again.
mcnichoj's comments