@illegal_peanut: It's a problem with long form story telling actually and needing to engage readers into buying your books. When did Marvel and DC start most of their biggest characters and what year are we in now? How long could they perpetuate just a villain failing a low-level scheme over and over again with people staying interested? Good characters need to turn bad, bad guys need to win, heroes need to die and entire universes need to explode to mix up the status quo.
@illegal_peanut: You'll find more and more celebrities going forward that have played games. Millennials and younger generations will have experienced Nintendo, Sega, PlayStation and Xbox consoles as a part of their childhood.
@mogan: People need to stop bringing up Steam when talking about the poor state of Nintendo and PlayStation's digital store fronts. Steam actually has a worthwhile review system unlike all the other platforms, they also quickly take down games trying pass themselves off as different games to trick consumers. One company tried renaming their shovelware games to Palworld and Helldivers 2, within hours they were removed and the company banned from Steam.
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