On their cheapest sales, these three games have been a roughly combined total of seventy-one USD. So that's a pretty good selection for value if you play each of these games for even just a few hours. While I understand not everyone likes wrestling, it's hard to argue that the other two are bad. While they can be considered lesser entries in their respective franchises to some, you can still get some level of enjoyment out of them.
@VXXXJesterXXXV: Hold on to your socks cause a random guy just kindly sent you photos of his cock. They are grainy and off-putting, he just sent you more. Don't act surprised, you know you like it you whore.
@BlueFlameBat: It doesn't show anything in the image. Even recent PlayStation collector's edition will have a little square with a logo on it to represent a piece of paper with a code on the back and it would be listed somewhere as "GAME VOUCHER".
Both RE7 and Mass Effect: Andromeda didn't include the game either in their expensive collector's editions.
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