mdl207's forum posts
Dude, honestly I don't want to argue with you. IMO, I'd rather hear from PS3 owners than from the news or G4. (for the same reason i love the site, because owners of the products post their reviews. In regards to "trashing" the PS3, every console has it's faults (as I noted about the 360 above). If I didn't see a lot I like about the PS3 I wouldn't be here (such as excellent reliability, HD movies, some good exclusive, PSN being free, etc, etc). In in regards to you knowing the rules, I wasn't trashing the ps3, simply trying to talk to people that have 1st hand experience with the ps3 (playing at the kiosks, imo, doesn't count as having had 1st hand experience). And no offense, but until you started posting I was learning some good info to help me in making an educated purchase. Eddie5vs1
In the interest of keeping this board as flamefree as possible, I'll stop arguing.
I'd point you towards Justin01's suggestion though. Research on forums usually requires sifting through fanboy arguments. Self-research is typically much more productive.
Why don't you do your own research? It's not that hard you know.justin01
[QUOTE="mdl207"][QUOTE="Eddie5vs1"]First of all I currently owe around $90,000 in student loans (i spent around 3 years goofing off in college and then I got my crap together and went for my masters). Secondly I have two jobs and a family, so my gaming time is significantly limited (3-4 hours per week, sometimes less). So sorry that I don't have time to play every game out. Also, in regard to your fanboy statment, overall, imo, the 360 actually has an excellent library of games. So, to each his own i guess.Eddie5vs1
You know, I find it quite odd that you claim you're so busy and yet, you have time to post on a forum of a gaming console that you do not own.
Which leads me to think that a) you must really want one or b) you're here to stir up trouble.
so you're a level 3? anyways, in response to you questions: a)i'm not sure I really want one (i.e., that's why I'm here seeking information) and, b) my wife was giving our daughter a bath so I figured that i would check my email and ask some questions before i possible waste $600+ on something I may not enjoy. You can read my other posts, while I am on SW quite a lot (usually arguing with KeyWii), I mostly defend all three consoles, although I tend to favor the 360. Did I answer your questions adequately?
Researching the console doesn't require any posting. Reading is sufficient.
If you are going to come to a PS3 board and trash the console (thus far, I've seen little in the way of you praising it), you should probably refrain from typing. Or keep your inflammatory posts in System Wars.
It's interesting that despite my being a Level 3 and an "inferior" GameSpot user, I know the rules.
Do you?
[QUOTE="fuh_sho"][QUOTE="kingtito"][QUOTE="fuh_sho"]the PS3 version of F.E.A.R looks a lot better than the 360 version. it's sharper and it's brighter.
i thought it'd be another lame port but dang, i was wrong. great news for us PS3 owners.
Considering the game came out on the 360 last year it should look an play a little better. That's no reflection on the 360 however.
imo, if the developer actually took the time to put effort into the port, all ports will look better on the PS3. i don't think it matters that the 360 version was released sooner.
Well that's your opinion as biased as it might be. Fankly the PS3 IS NOT more powerful than the 360 despite popular belief on this forum. The PS3 has a better CPU but the 360 has the better GPU which imo is just as important if not more than having a better CPU. So it equalizes it self out.
I hear what you have to say. But Kojima seems to disagree. And to be honest, I'd side with him.
[QUOTE="UOducks521"]hey i was wondering how do you guys get those banners and stuff like that in your signatures? there's a couple i'd like to add to mine but i cant figure out how to get them and how to put them in the signature properly. Any help would be greatly appreciated :DCyanX73
Check out welcome newbies. There are a bunch of recommended unions you can join. I'm in one that did my sig for me.
Thanks for the advice. I was going to ask about it earlier. I've since stolen some other user's signature banners. :D
i know how good it looks and i played the demo on my brothers 360 not that goodlookin though but it was fun too bad id get too scared playin this game and become paranoid:?9thwardice
Me too.
Glad it looks and runs better on the PS3 but I probably won't be picking it up either. Not a big fan of being scared :D
[QUOTE="Nike_Air"]If you only play games that score over 9 here at gamespot then I feel sorry for you. You should be caught up with all of 5 of your AAA 360 games already and you are playing the waiting game right now.[QUOTE="Eddie5vs1"]I was going to create a thread on a similar topic, and then I saw yours. I have a 360 now, and I love it, but I like the ps3 as well (I'm not really looking at the Wii, because while it's an awesome console, I just don't have any interest in its games). I looked on gamespot's review list of ps3 games, and the only one over a 9 is Oblivion- a year old pc/360 port. Please don't think I'm a fanboy, but it seems like when you talk about great ps3 games, it's all about the waiting game. I guess my questions are: What good games are coming out (I'm not interested in mgs)? Is it 100% backwards compatible? And am I better off just getting a ps2 (in some ways I think that this is a good option, but i'd rather just put the $120 towards a ps3 if thats the way to go. Thanks for the help.Eddie5vs1
Thanks for the fanboy help (note sarcasm). I didn't want to be a jerk so I didn't point out the many horrible scores that ps3 games have obtained. Do I only play games that are 9+? Of course not, but I also utilize scores to help me determine my gaming purchases. This is for two reasons. First of all I currently owe around $90,000 in student loans (i spent around 3 years goofing off in college and then I got my crap together and went for my masters). Secondly I have two jobs and a family, so my gaming time is significantly limited (3-4 hours per week, sometimes less). So sorry that I don't have time to play every game out. Also, in regard to your fanboy statment, overall, imo, the 360 actually has an excellent library of games. So, to each his own i guess.
You know, I find it quite odd that you claim you're so busy and yet, you have time to post on a forum of a gaming console that you do not own.
Which leads me to think that a) you must really want one or b) you're here to stir up trouble.
Plus Im sick of my 360 not being able to read discs when Ive taken care of it as if it were a human babymistermykol
I feel for you. I had a console last gen (shall go nameless to prevent the thread from closing down) that also suffered from hardware issues. Great games and great online environment mean little when everytime you boot up, you're praying the system is still alive. Reliability is definitely one of those things you learn to appreciate AFTER a particularly rough experience with an unreliable unit!
we lost like 5 exclusive im hoping this ain't the next use $ and take it back drsfynezt25
I understand you are new and all. But typically, we post links to articles when attempting to share ridiculous theories. Care to share the link?
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