How about the endless supply of games released every week. Yea, some are not great or any good but i would prefer giving my $ to indie studio than an HD of a twenty year old game for full price. PC gaming needs more dedicated sites instead of the amateurish coverage it continues to receive. I can name 10 games under $20 that should be receiving the same amount of attention as Undertale but no. Tired of these 30-40 year old grown men spitting the same sht they have for years. Gaming needs young women and men who have grown up with PC pushing the real next gen forward.
Aga me cancelled for xbox 360 called color wars. My favorite from Nintedno fans is they didnt know anything about this so how could it be a rip off. Right, just coincidence.
Thing is does anyone know who is at fault? The publisher puts up the money for the dev to create, but honestly Kojima is a diva and perfectionist which does not make for a good relationship in any sense. No one will ever know but i will bet that highway runs both ways and the break was the best for both. It is shitty not letting the talent be recognized but again not knowing the whole story you cant place blame because i can think of a dozen reasons not to let him be center stage if i backed the game and im no one.
Look, artist rule the industry now but to ignore the thousands of other games that look as good if not better than this is an insult to those talented people. Game sites are like ESPN and hollysuck who ignore that there is soooo much talent out there and yet only cum all over themselves when its a named property or developer. Get a clue already.
"Nintendo created an innovate shooter redefining the genre and itself in the process." the absolute biggest lie in the industry to date and for it to be acknowledged in this manner is a crime. They didnt innovate, they stole the idea. Fact.
Also remember when everyone went batshit for paid mods? Why were those same people not bashing mods tools for $60, which are usually free or a one time fee of $10. Oh thats right Nintedno does nothing wrong, and dont get me started on the dolls. Cant wait for NX when all 3rd party will come back for one reason, to sell dolls. Again thats a fact, book it.
As someone who for years said the PS3 with the PC SAVED the industry because without their original titles and diverse collections seriously where would the industry be(think about it)? I cancelled my initial pre order for the ps4 after seeing the release games and now with only still a handful of great titles and serious under power i dont think i will ever buy one. I have disposable income and just upgraded my PC, but the continued re-re release of past gen (games i already played) they may be able to fool casuals but seriously no way this or any console can survive continually putting games out with bad frame rates, poor performance, exhausting load times and crippling devs. ability to push the medium forward. I mean Battlefront is only 20vs20, 2 years after they were doing 32vs32 on pc. That plus the continued inability to handle the open worlds from this year, how do you think they will improve in another year or two. I always say suckers buy games day one, but i guess i have to also include suckers also buy consoles.
Let me save you the trouble. Players who love tactical team based shooters are going to be playing this for a helluva long time. Reviewers, well they have to go play that game from 1990 or some other crap they waste their time on. Real players who actually have to buy the game win every time.
@Zombunny: What did you expect? Heres the truth this game looks like arse. Where is the flame over the reveal aka Watchdogs to the actual game? Oh, its a Nintendo property not allowed to tell the truth.
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