@Gelugon_baat: No problem MGS4 won GOTY and like that game everyone will look back and go Uh? While everyone was still playing Fallout 3 and GTA4 for years.
@metallinatus: Its not the reviews, but the reviewers. These are middle aged fanboys who pick apart any new game released but if its retro, Nintendo, or JRPG i will bet everything it gets a minimum of an 8 but yet has the same problems every game has these days with presenting anything new.
Anyone notice if your indie game is retro it always scores well. But if its not, it always scores about 2 points less and they are really just as good if not better. Funny.
I dont know whats worst, wasting time to re do RE6, or the continued waste of money and resources on rehash. Ill blame Nintendo since that their entire business plan for the pat 20 years.
Splatoon had less maps less mode and still scored higher. If you can count on one thing from Nintendo is that check hit the reviewer desk always on time.
Nintendo best developer? Seriously, Mod tools and a game they ripped from a concept build? Wow. I guess whoever has the bank will always get in the way of real talent.
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