meedak's forum posts
Really, I tend to be swayed a bit to Nintendo, but I try to not deny factual evidence when it appears. I mean, regardless of the controls scheme or the graphics, if a game makes me smile and is fun to play, then it's serving its purpose. I find that what it all comes down to is enjoying what you are playing. I think people these days are getting too bogged down with all of these things that at the core, don't really matter. I still play game that over 10 years old, because they are still fun. Games like X-Com and Jedi Knight and Streets of Rage 2. That being said, there a lot of new interesting games that are coming out now that I would find equally as entertaining.
I don't like when people say that a system has absolutley no selling points, because they always do. Every system has its progressions and failings, which are weighed accordingly. It's up to the gamer to choose. The smartest and most dedicated people are the people who just get everything, because that way there is no way to lose and everyway is the best way.
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