"Yellowbeard" a pirate movie by people from Monty Python and Mel Brooks team. It's super silly and super funny. Can be find full on youtube. Also there is another classic favorite of mine "Crimson Pirate" but it's hard to find.
Gameplay first. Everything else is optional. If you want movies, there great movies to watch and you can actually let your hands and rest
Gameplay first. Everything else is optional. If you want movies, there great movies to watch and you can actually let your hands and rest
Brotherhood felt very very unorganized with difficult to remember map and lack of focus, even less focus then AC2.
@kiramasaki Funny how wrong you are. Mario is an example of a perfect gameplay. Everything is thought out to the smallest details. Western games design is more chaotic and the games are padded more often then not with terrible stories.
megatronx2's comments